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Filters: Author is Philippe Herman
Benefits of genomics in the risk assessment of genetically modified plants for human consumption, Willems, S., De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Herman Philippe, and Roosens Nancy , 2nd Plant Genomics Congress Europe, 0/5/2014, Issue Global Engage, (2014)
Engineering nucleases for gene targeting: safety and regulatory considerations., Pauwels, Katia, Podevin Nancy, Breyer Didier, Carroll Dana, and Herman Philippe , N Biotechnol, 2014 Jan 25, Volume 31, Issue 1, Number 27, p.18-27, (2014)
An innovative and integrated approach based on DNA walking to identify unauthorised GMOs, Fraiture, Marie-Alice, Herman Philippe, Taverniers Isabel, De Loose Marc, Deforce Dieter, and Roosens Nancy , Food Chemistry, 29/09/2013, Volume 147, (2014)
NeXSplorer.iph: Development of next generation sequencing data analysis tools in support of a fast response for public health and food chain safety, De Keersmaecker, Sigrid C. J., Bertrand Sophie, Mattheus Wesley, Herman Philippe, Dierick Katelijne, Botteldoorn N, Denayer Sarah, Van Gucht Steven, Thomas Isabelle, Deforce D., et al. , Applications of Next Generation Sequencing for public health, 0/0/2014, Issue =WIV-ISP, NA, (2014)
Novel GMO-Based Vaccines against Tuberculosis: State of the Art and Biosafety Considerations., Leunda, Amaya, Baldo Aline, Goossens Martine, Huygen Kris, Herman Philippe, and Romano Marta , Vaccines (Basel), 2014 Jun 16, Volume 2, Issue 2, p.463-99, (2014)
Biorisk management: Legislation, authorities and procedures, Herman, Philippe , Summer course - Principles of Biorisk Management, 10/9/2013, Issue UGent, NA, (2013)
Biosafety of viral vectors commonly used in gene therapy and vaccination., Herman, Philippe , Curr Gene Ther, 2013 Dec, Volume 13, Issue 6, p.383-4, (2013)
Biosafety risk assessment and management of laboratory-derived influenza A (H5N1) viruses transmissible in ferrets, Baldo, Aline, Leunda Amaya, Do Thi Chuong Dai, Breyer Didier, Pauwels Katia, Welby Sarah, Van Vaerenbergh Bernadette, and Herman Philippe , Applied Biosafety, 3/2013, Volume 18, Issue 1, Number 17, (2013)
Event report: SynBio Workshop (Paris 2012) - Risk assessment challenges of Synthetic Biology, Pauwels, Katia, Mampuys Ruth, Golstein Catherine, Breyer Didier, Herman Philippe, Kaspari M., Pagès J-C., Pfister Herbert, and Wilk Frank , J.Verbr.Lebensm., 0/0/2013, Volume 8, Number 226, p.215 - 226, (2013)
High-containment Level Facilities Handling Pathogenic Organisms in Belgium: An Overview, Do Thi, Chuong Dai, Leunda Amaya, Van Vaerenbergh Bernadette, and Herman Philippe , Appl.Biosafety, 0/0/2013, Volume 18, Issue 3, Number 131, p.122 - 131, (2013)
An innovative integrated approach based on DNA walking to identify unauthorized GMOs, Fraiture, Marie-Alice, Herman Philippe, Taverniers Isabel, De Loose Marc, and Roosens Nancy , 19/09/2013, Gent, Belgium, (2013)
Instalaciones de alto nivel de contención: la situación en Belgica, Do Thi, Chuong Dai, Leunda Amaya, Van Vaerenbergh Bernadette, and Herman Philippe , Biosecuridad 2013, 20/9/2013, Issue Centro Nacional de Seguridad Biológica, NA, (2013)
Laboratory activities involving transmissible spongiform encephalopathy causing agents: risk assessment and biosafety recommendations in Belgium., Leunda, Amaya, Van Vaerenbergh Bernadette, Baldo Aline, Roels S., and Herman Philippe , Prion, 2013 Sep-Oct, Volume 7, Issue 5, p.420-33, (2013)
New techniques and methods developed by the Belgian NRL-GMO to identify unauthorized GMOs in the UGMMONITOR project, Fraiture, Marie-Alice, Herman Philippe, Berben G., Debode Frédéric, Janssen Eric, Taverniers Isabel, De Loose M., and Roosens Nancy , LabInfo, 21/1/2013, Volume 9, Number 27, p.25 - 27, (2013)
Nieuwe technieken en methoden ontwikkeld door het Belgische NRL-GGO voor het identificeren van niet-geautoriseerde GGO's in het UGMMONITOR project, Fraiture, Marie-Alice, Herman Philippe, Berben G., Debode Frédéric, Janssen Eric, Taverniers Isabel, De Loose M., and Roosens Nancy , LabInfo, 0/0/2013, Volume 9, Issue Janvier 2013, Number 27, p.25 - 27, (2013)
Nouvelles techniques et méthodes développées par le LNR-OGM Belge pour identifier les OGMs non-autorisés dans le projet UGMMONITOR, Fraiture, Marie-Alice, Herman Philippe, Berben G., Debode Frédéric, Janssen Eric, Taverniers Isabel, De Loose M., and Roosens Nancy , LabInfo, 0/0/2013, Volume 9, Issue Janvier 2013, Number 27, p.25 - 27, (2013)
Projet UGMMONITOR : résultat de la première année., Fraiture, Marie-Alice, Herman Philippe, and Roosens Nancy , Premier comité d'accompagnement du projet UGMMONITOR, 22/4/2013, Issue WIV-ISP,PBB, NA, (2013)
Utilisation confinée d'OGM et/ou pathogènes: Le responsable de la biosécurité, Herman, Philippe , Meeting organized by Pfizer, 17/5/2013, Issue Pfizer (Zoetis), NA, (2013)

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