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Filters: Author is Regine Kiasuwa
Assessing factors associated with long-term work disability after cancer in Belgium: a population-based cohort study using competing risks analysis with a 7-year follow-up., Kiasuwa, Regine, Nicolaie Alina Mioara, Goetghebeur Els, Otter Renée, Mortelmans Katrien, Missinnne Sarah, Arbyn M., Bouland Catherine, and De Brouwer Christophe , BMJ Open, 2018 Feb 17, Volume 8, Issue 2, (2018)
Assessing factors associated with long-term work disability after cancer in Belgium: a population-based cohort study using competing risks analysis with a 7-year follow-up, Kiasuwa, Regine, Nicolaie Alina Mioara, Goetghebeur Els, Otter Renée, Mortelmans Katrien, Missinnne Sarah, Arbyn M., Bouland Catherine, and De Brouwer Christophe , BMJ Open, Jan-02-2019, Volume 8, Issue 2, (2018)
Étude pilote sur la réinsertion professionnelle après cancer et le rôle des équipes intramurales: Rapport intermédiaire, Kiasuwa, Regine , Brussels, Belgium, (2018)
How do social security schemes and labor market policies support the return-to-work of cancer survivors? A review article, Kiasuwa, Regine, Tiraboschi Michele, De Brouwer Christophe, and Bouland Catherine , Journal of Cancer Policy, Jan-05-2018, Volume 15, (2018)
Pilootstudie over professionele reïntegratie van kankerpatiënten en de rol van de intramurale ploeg: Tussentijds rapport, Kiasuwa, Regine , Brussels, Belgium, (2018)
The role of Intramural Health Professionals in the Early Sensitization of Belgian Workers with Cancer to their Return-to-work: Study report, Kiasuwa, Regine , Brussels, Belgium, p.55, (2018)
The use of the permanent sample (eps) to study the returnto- work after cancer. Challenges and opportunities for research, Kiasuwa, Regine, Otter R, Abatih E, Goetghebeur E, Bouland C, and de Brouwer C , Rev Med Brux, 2018, Volume 39, Issue 2, (2018)

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