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Dr. Tinne Lernout MD
Tinne Lernout is a medical doctor (KUL, 1994) with a specialization in tropical medicine (ITM, 1997) and in public health (UCL, 2001). After a few years of working as a general practitioner and humanitarian work in Africa, she gained interest in the epidemiology of infectious diseases. From 2002 to 2014, she worked as an epidemiologist in several institutions, such as the Scientific Institute of Public Health (WIV-ISP), the University of Antwerp and the French “Institut de Veille Sanitaire” (InVS). Since the end of 2014, she is working at Sciensano, where she is in charge of the coordination of the unit “Vector-borne diseases and zoonoses”. Among other, she is responsible for tick-borne diseases.
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