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Filters: Author is Vanessa Mathys
MALDI-TOF for drug resistance testing in mycobacterium tuberculosis, Ceyssens, Pieter-Jan, Soetaert Karine, De Cremer Koen, Bertrand Sophie, Hendrickx Marijke, and Mathys Vanessa , ECCMID 2016, 9/4/2016, Issue ECCMID, NA, (2016)
MALDI-TOF for the identification of Mycobacteria and their drug resistance profiles, Van den Bossche, An, Ceyssens Pieter-Jan, Hendrickx Marijke, and Mathys Vanessa , 37th Annual Congress of the European Society of Mycobacteriology, 06/2017, Catania, Sicily, Italy, (2016)
Mycobacteria: interactions between human, animals and environment, Mathys, Vanessa , FSVEE study day, 0/0/2016, Issue KULeuven, NA, (2016)
Nontuberculous mycobacteria among pulmonary tuberculosis patients: a retrospective Belgian multicentre study, De Keukeleire, S., Mathys Vanessa, Van Den Wijngaert S., Van de Vyvere M., Jonckheere S., De Beenhouwer H., De Bel A., Arrazola de Onate W., Wanlin M., Piérard Denis, et al. , Acta Clinica Belgica, 24/6/2016, Volume ., (2016)
Synthesis and anti-tubercular activity of N(2)-arylbenzo[g]isoquinoline-5,10-dione-3-iminium bromides., Rotthier, G, Cappoen Davie, Nguyen Quang Trung, Thi Tuyet Anh Dang, Mathys Vanessa, Nguyen Van Tuyen, Huygen K, Maes L, Cos P, and Abbaspour Tehrani K , Org Biomol Chem, 2016 Feb 14, Volume 14, Issue 6, p.2041-51, (2016)
TB-BRU-NET 2010-2013, Mathys, Vanessa, Vluggen Christelle, and Soetaert Karine , MDR meeting, 0/0/2016, Issue FARES, (2016)
Time and motion exercise, Mathys, Vanessa , ERL-TB annual meeting, 0/0/2016, Issue ERL-TB, (2016)
Amélioration de l'activité thérapeutique de l'ethionamide. , Mathys, Vanessa , FARES annual meeting, 0/0/2015, Issue FARES, (2015)
Analysis of the virulence and immunogenicity of porcine and human M. avium ssp. hominissuis isolates in an experimental mouse model. , Bruffaerts, Nicolas, Vluggen Christelle, Duytschaever L, Denoel J., Wattiez R., Letesson J.J., Mathys Vanessa, Roupie Virginie, Fretin David, Saegerman C., et al. , European Symposium on Non-tuberculous Mycobacteria, 0/0/2015, Issue Research Center Borstel, (2015)
Antimicrobial resistance testing in 2020: Will we still be looking at the phenotype? , Ceyssens, Pieter-Jan, Mattheus Wesley, Mathys Vanessa, Vanhoof R., Kalai Michael, and Bertrand Sophie , RIIP Meeting, 0/0/2015, Issue Institut Pasteur, (2015)
Case report of a false positive result of the Xpert MTB/RIF assay for rifampicin resistance in mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, Claessens, J., Mathys Vanessa, Derdelinckx I., and Saegeman V. , Acta Clin.Belg., 24/9/2015, Volume ., p.2295333715Y0000000072, (2015)
Evaluation of the Speed-Oligo Mycobacteria assay for the identification of nontuberculous mycobacteria., Bastos Ramis, Ivy, Cnockaert Margo, Von Groll Andrea, Mathys Vanessa, Simon Anne, Tortoli Enrico, Palomino Juan Carlos, da Silva Pedro Eduardo Al, Vandamme Peter, André Emmanuel, et al. , J Med Microbiol, 2015 Mar, Volume 64, Issue Pt 3, p.283-7, (2015)
Improvement of the ETH therapeutic activity., Mathys, Vanessa , MDR meeting, 0/0/2015, Issue MDR-TB comity, NA, (2015)
Mycobacteria : current molecular laboratory techniques., Mathys, Vanessa , The future of the molecular diagnosis. , 0/0/2015, Issue VAKB UZ Leuven, NA, (2015)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis & les mycobactéries atypiques: techniques de laboratoire., Mathys, Vanessa , Formation infirmière, 0/0/2015, Issue FARES, (2015)
Revisiting susceptibility testing in MDR-TB by a standardized quantitative phenotypic assessment in a European multicentre study9, Cambau, E., Viveiros M., Machado D., Raskine L., Ritter C., Tortoli E., Mathys Vanessa, Hoffner S, Richter E., Del Molino M.L. Perez, et al. , J.Antimicrob.Chemother., 0/3/2015, Volume 70, Issue 3, Number 696, p.686 - 696, (2015)
Time and motion exercise: MIRU-VNTR typing. , Mathys, Vanessa , ERL-TB net annual meeting, 0/0/2015, Issue ERL-TB, (2015)
Tuberculose humaine, Mathys, Vanessa , Scicom, 0/0/2015, Issue Scicom, AFSCA, (2015)
1,2,3,4,8,9,10,11-Octahydrobenzo[j]phenanthridine-7,12-diones as New Leads against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Cappoen, Davie, Claes P., Jacobs J., Anthonissen R., Mathys Vanessa, Verschaeve Luc, Huygen K, and Kimpe N.D. , J.Med.Chem., 10/4/2014, Volume 57, Issue 7, Number 2907, p.2895 - 2907, (2014)
2,4-Dialkyl-8,9,10,11-tetrahydrobenzo[g]pyrimido[4,5-c]isoquinoline-1,3,7,12(2H,4H)-tetraones as new leads against Mycobacterium tuberculosis., Claes, Pieter, Cappoen Davie, Uythethofken Cynthia, Jacobs Jan, Mertens Birgit, Mathys Vanessa, Verschaeve Luc, Huygen Kris, and De Kimpe Norbert , Eur J Med Chem, 2014 Apr 22, Volume 77, p.409-21, (2014)
Anti-mycobacterial activity of 1,3-diaryltriazenes., Cappoen, Davie, Vajs Jure, Uythethofken Cynthia, Virag Andrej, Mathys Vanessa, Kočevar Marijan, Verschaeve Luc, Gazvoda Martin, Polanc Slovenko, Huygen Kris, et al. , Eur J Med Chem, 2014 Apr 22, Volume 77, p.193-203, (2014)
Biological evaluation of diazene derivatives as anti-tubercular compounds., Cappoen, Davie, Vita Majce, Uythethofken Cynthia, Urankar Damijana, Mathys Vanessa, Kočevar Marijan, Verschaeve Luc, Polanc Slovenko, Huygen Kris, and Košmrlj Janez , Eur J Med Chem, 2014 Mar 03, Volume 74, p.85-94, (2014)
False-positive rifampicin resistance on Xpert® MTB/RIF caused by a silent mutation in the rpoB gene., Mathys, Vanessa, van de Vyvere M, de Droogh E, and Groenen G , Int J Tuberc Lung Dis, 2014 Oct, Volume 18, Issue 10, p.1255-7, (2014)
Simultaneous determination of anti-tuberculosis drug levels in human plasma by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for subsequent Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Reyns, Tim, Mathys Vanessa, Groenen G., Andjelkovic Mirjana, and Van Loco Joris , Alternative Sampliong Strategies in Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring - IATDMCT Satellite Meeting 2014, 18/9/2014, Issue IATDMCT, NA, (2014)

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