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Filters: Author is Viviane Van Casteren
Methodology of the evaluation of the national care trajectory diabetes.,
, XIIth International Primary Care Diabetes Europe Conference, 0/10/2012, Issue I.D.F., Brussels/Belgium, (2012)
Nation-wide primary healthcare research network: a privacy protection assessment,
, Stud.Health Technol.Inform., 0/4/2012, Volume 174, Number 28, p.23 - 28, (2012)
Older people dying with dementia: a nationwide study,
, Int.Psychogeriatr., 30/5/2012, Volume 24, Number 1591, p.1581 - 1591, (2012)
Problématique du dépistage systématique de la mucoviscidose. Données du registre Belge de la Mucoviscidose.,
, Séminaire de concertation "problématique du dépistage néonatal systématique de la mucoviscidose", 0/3/2012, Issue Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, NA, (2012)
Quality assessment of automatically extracted data from GPs' EPR,
, Stud.Health Technol.Inform., 0/0/2012, Volume 180, Number 730, p.726 - 730, (2012)
Quality assessment of automatically extracted data from GPs' EPR.,
, Stud Health Technol Inform, 2012, Volume 180, (2012)
Short-term follow-up of patients diagnosed by their GP with mild depression or first-time moderate depression. Results of a 1-year nationwide surveillance study.,
, Fam Pract, 2012 Dec, Volume 29, Issue 6, p.688-95, (2012)
Surveillance de la grippe par les médecins vigies : paramètres cliniques de surveillance pendant trois épidémies de grippe.,
, Senti-Bul, 0/1/2012, Volume 2012, Issue 1, Number 4, Bruxelles, p.1 - 4, (2012)
Towards a central registry for rare disease patients in Belgium,
, European Human Genetics Conference, 0/10/2012, Issue E.S.H.G., (2012)
Viral aetiology of influenza-like illness in Belgium during the influenza A(H1N1)2009 pandemic.,
, Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis, 2012 Jun, Volume 31, Issue 6, Number 1007, p.999-1007, (2012)
Eliminatie van Mazelen en Rubella in 2010: halen we de doelstelling?36571,
, Vlaams infectieziektebulletin, 0/0/2011, Volume 76, Issue 2, Number 9, p.4 - 9, (2011)
Is individual educational level related to end-of-life care use? Results from a nationwide retrospective cohort study in Belgium.,
, J Palliat Med, 2011 Oct, Volume 14, Issue 10, p.1135-41, (2011)
Initiatief voor Kwaliteitsbevordering en Epidemiologie bij Diabetes (IKED) - Rapport resultaten 2009,
, Brussel, België, (2011)
Initiatief voor Kwaliteitsbevordering en Epidemiologie bij Multidisciplinaire Diabetes Voetklinieken IKED-voet - Resultaten 2008,
, 03/2011, Brussel, België, p.64, (2011)
Initiative pour la Promotion de la Qualité et Epidémiologie dans les Cliniques multidisciplinaires du pied Diabétique IPQED-Pied - Résultats 2008,
, 03/2011, Bruxelles, Belgique, p.64, (2011)
IPQED: Initiative pour la Promotion de la Qualité et l’Epidémiologie du Diabète sucré - Rapport résultats 2009,
, Brussel, België, (2011)
Prevention of Cervical Cancer in Belgium: Anno 2011,
, 0/0/2011, Volume 2010/010, Number 118, Brussels, p.118, (2011)
Signs for early diagnosis of heart failure in primary health care.,
, Vasc Health Risk Manag, 2011, Volume 7, p.591-6, (2011)
Clinical influenza surveillance of Influenza A(H1N1) 2009 pandemic through the network of Sentinel General Practitioners36890,
, Archives of Public Health, 0/0/2010, Volume 68, Number 67, p.62 - 67, (2010)
The incidence and first-year mortality of heart failure in Belgium: a 2-year nationwide prospective registration.,
, Int J Clin Pract, 2010 Feb, Volume 64, Issue 3, p.330-5, (2010)
Readiness of the Belgian network of sentinel general practitioners to deliver electronic health record data for surveillance purposes: results of survey study.,
, BMC Fam Pract, 2010 Jun 25, Volume 11, p.50, (2010)
Symptoms and clinical signs associated with hospital admission and mortality for heart failure.,
, Cent Eur J Public Health, 2010 Dec, Volume 18, Issue 4, p.209-14, (2010)
Virological surveillance of the Influenza A (H1N1)2009 pandemic: the role of the Belgian National Influenza Centre ,
, Archives of Public Health, 0/0/2010, Volume 68, Issue 2, Number 75, p.68 - 75, (2010)
Domestic violence: variation in case-management by the general practitioner in Belgium.,
, Int J Public Health, 2009, Volume 54, Issue 2, p.106-11, (2009)
Initiatief voor Kwaliteitsbevordering en Epidemiologie bij Diabetes (IKED) - Rapport resultaten 2007,
, Brussel, België, (2009)