In short
This joint action involving the EU Member States has created a guide to improve the quality of the fight against cancer in the Member States. The action has been co-financed by the institutions, organizations, universities, participating health care units and the European Union. The Cancer Center was responsible for coordinating the guide.
This guide is intended to help reduce the incidence of cancer in the Member States. It is intended for every level, governments, parliamentarians, health care practitioners, financiers and cancer professionals.
Project description
The guide is a coherent document that focuses on the patient, and is a key strategic tool for governments and political decision-makers. The recommendations for good practice that it contains are aimed at improving national situations.
The four main chapters of the guide are devoted to subjects that have been carefully selected (see below).
The guide is the result of three years’ work carried out by the best cancer specialists from 25 countries and 126 partner organizations.
- Introduction
Context, summary and appraisal
Methods and quality assurance
Cancon_guide_4_screening_lr_EN.pdfCancon_guide_4_screening_lr_EN.pdfCancer Screening
Integrated cancer control
Community-level cancer care
- Survivorship and rehabilitation
Policy papers
In addition to the guide, 5 policy papers introduce cancer control into the Member States’ strategy.
The subjects of these papers were suggested by the Member States.
- A Public health genomics approach to “omics” in oncology,
- Common European objectives for National Cancer Control Plans,
- Enhancing the value of cancer care through a more appropriate use of health care interventions,
- An impact evaluation system to assess prevention outcomes, and
- A Equity mainstreaming in cancer control in Europe.
Sciensano's project investigator(s):
Service(s) working on this project