In short
The OriON Joint Action aims to support the Cancer Inequalities Registry in identifying trends, disparities and inequalities in cancer prevention and care between and within European Member States and regions. This helps with targeting investments and interventions and ultimately lead to a reduction in measurable disparities in cancer prevention and care across the EU. To achieve this, Sciensano is taking the lead in developing a monitoring framework for the implementation of the European Beating Cancer Plan in European member states.
Project description
The OriON Joint Action (JA) is proposed for funding in response to the flagship No. 9 of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan (EBCP), which defines that the European Commission will establish a Cancer Inequalities Registry to identify trends, disparities and inequalities in cancer prevention and care between and within European Member States (MS) and regions. Through the newly established European Cancer Inequalities Registry, a consolidated view of the national cancer control landscape across the EU and resulting inequalities will assist in targeting investments and interventions at Union, national and regional level to address trends, disparities and inequalities between MS and regions.
The expected impact will be a reduction in measurable disparities in cancer prevention and care across the EU. The OriON JA will have three general objectives:
- to monitor the EBCP uptake and implementation in European MS
- to pilot the EBCP Monitoring & Evaluation framework,
- to maximise the impact of the EBCP generated knowledge and evidence
Furthermore, the project has two specific objectives
- to support the monitoring and analysis of the implementation of EBCP
- to carry out an analysis of the state-of-play of National Cancer Control Programmes with a special focus on the inequalities
Work within the JA will be organised in five work packages (WP), three horizontal and two core WPs (Sustainability and implementation – support to the monitoring and analysis of the implementation of EBCP & Analysis of the developments in NCCPs). Sciensano leads WP4 on sustainability and implementation, in which a monitoring framework for the implementation of the EBCP will be developed and piloted. Sciensano also participates in the other WPs.
The primary target group of the OriON JA are policy makers from MS and their representatives, and the secondary target group will consist of EU organisations, experts, patient advocates and representatives as well as patients from across Europe. Citizens and patients from all European countries will benefit from the OriON JA because together with the Cancer Inequalities Registry, the JA will contribute to reducing measurable disparities in cancer prevention and care across the EU.
Technical Information
Funding Programme | EU4Health Programme (202½027) |
Type of Action | Joint Action |
Budget | EUR 1 250 000 |
Lead Coordinator | National Institute of Public Health Slovenia |
Domain / Area | Diagnosis & Treatment |
Sciensano's project investigator(s):
Service(s) working on this project