UNITED4Surveillance - Union and National Capacity Building for IntegraTED Surveillance (U4S)

Last updated on 2-10-2024 by Amber Van Laer
Project duration:
January 1, 2023
December 31, 2025

In short

With this project we support European member states (25 countries are participating) and the EU to establish digitalised, integrated surveillance systems, operating both at national and European level. This improves early detection of infectious disease outbreaks, allows for more accurate risk assessment and empowers the member states to coordinate their response to any future pandemic. 

Project description

The global crisis generated by the COVID-19 outbreak has revealed an urgent need for improvement in public health preparedness and pandemic response at European level. UNITED4Surveillance contributes to the implementation of the new Health Security framework under the EU regulation on serious cross-border threats to health (2022/2371). This Joint Action also supports implementation of the long-term strategic framework for the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) in 2022–2025. We focus on integrating existing and new data sources for more comprehensive EU/EEA infectious disease surveillance, prevention and control. In doing so, UNITED4Surveillance contributes to surveillance capacity-building within Europe and beyond, working to improve global health security.

Our general objective is to strengthen infectious disease surveillance systems at the national level, with improvement of integration, interoperability, and digitalisation of data sources. We focus on outbreak detection/laboratory-based reporting, hospital surveillance, and One Health surveillance. UNITED4Surveillance proposes a roadmap on how to implement integrated surveillance at member state and Union level which

  • contains gaps and needs analysis;
  • integrates (inter)national polices;
  • identifies and pilots promising approaches;
  • disseminates best practices;
  • shares experiences and knowledge through capacity building.

For more information, visit the project website

See all project partners


Financial Source

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