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- 2018
Search results - 3 results
Cervical morbidity in Alsace, France: results from a regional organized cervical cancer screening program.
Alsace before the human papillomavirus vaccinated population reaches the age of screening. Data on cervical lesions and cancers were collected by EVE for the period September 2008 to August 2011 from ...
Management and 6-month outcome of patients with diabetic foot problems: results from a nationwide quality improvement initiative between 2005 and 2014
questionnaires, DFC s (N=35) collected data in 2005, 2008, 2011 and 2014, covering characteristics, history, and ulcer severity, management and outcome of the first 52 patients presenting with a Wagner grade ≥2 ...
Early effects of human papillomavirus vaccination in Belgium.
vaccination has been reimbursed in Belgium since 2007 for girls (12-15 years), extended to girls up to 18 years in 2008. This study assesses the trend of HPV 16/18 infections in women less than 25 years of age ...