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Ketamine, a new (or old) kid on the block: A comprehensive three-year spatio-temporal study in Belgium through wastewater-based epidemiology

showed no seasonal trends but an increase in weekend consumption, likely linked to recreational use. PNML s increased 7- to 11-fold compared to available data in 2012. Actual consumption and direct ...

Associations of heat with diseases and specific symptoms in Flanders, Belgium: An 8-year retrospective study of general practitioner registration data.

Flanders, Belgium. METHODS: We used eight years (2012-2019) of aggregated data of daily GP visits during the Belgian summer period (May-September). A distributed lag nonlinear model (DLNM) with time-stratified ...

Emergence of ST131 carrying carbapenemase genes, European Union/European Economic Area, August 2012 to May 2024.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Kohlenberg, Anke; Svartström, Olov; Apfalter, Petra; Hartl, Rainer; Bogaerts, Pierre; Huang, Te-Din; Chudejova, Katerina; Malisova, Lucia; Eisfeld, Jessica; Sandfort, Mirco; Hammerum, Anette M; R ...

A One-Health approach to monitoring antimicrobial consumption in Belgium 2012-2021

and community) and veterinary sectors, using a common metric (mg/estimated kg biomass).   Methodology The JIACRA methodology [1] adapted to the Belgian context and including more recent data (2012 ...

Surveillance épidémiologique du rotavirus saisons 2021-2022 et 2022-2023

diminution significative du nombre de cas confirmés d’infection à rotavirus a été observée. Depuis 2012, l’épidémiologie du rotavirus semble évoluer selon des cycles bisannuels dans lesquels alternent des ...

Epidemiologische surveillance van het rotavirus seizoenen 2021-2022 en 2022-2023

significante daling van het aantal bevestigde gevallen van rotavirusinfecties vastgesteld. Sinds 2012 leek de epidemiologie van het rotavirus te evolueren in tweejaarlijkse cycli waarin epidemiologische ...

Belgian recommendations for analytical verification and validation of immunohistochemical tests in laboratories of anatomic pathology

achievability, affordability and patient safety. This new consensus recommendation has been incorporated in the aforementioned ISO15189:2012 based Practice Guideline. Health Topics:  Effectiveness and safety of ...

Animal sources of antimicrobial-resistant bacterial infections in humans: a systematic review

attribution studies, and three other studies. Most studies were published between 2012 and 2022, and most came from Europe and North America, but we also identified five articles from South and South-East Asia. ...

Epidemiologische surveillance van tularemie Francisella tularensis- 2021

tularensis Tularemia Abstract:- In 2021 werden via de verplichte melding 9 bevestigde gevallen van tularemie gerapporteerd. Dit is het hoogste aantal van de afgelopen decennia.  — Sinds 2012 werd er jaarlijks ...

Surveillance épidémiologique de la tularémie Francisella tularensis- 2021

2012, au moins 1 cas de tularémie est rapporté annuellement en Belgique (à l’exception de 2018 où il n’y a pas eu de cas détectés). Ceci, par rapport à un total de 3 cas rapportés entre 1950 et 2011. ...

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