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Search results - 8 results

Relative vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 hospitalisation in persons aged ≥ 65 years: results from a VEBIS network, Europe, October 2021 to July 2023.

Fabiani, Massimo; Mateo-Urdiales, Alberto; AlKerwi, Ala';a; Schmitz, Susanne; Castilla, Jesús; Martínez-Baz, Iván; de Gier, Brechje; Hahné, Susan; Hinta Meijerink; Starrfelt, Jostein; Nunes, Baltazar; ...

Interim analysis of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation and death using electronic health records in six European countries

Starrfelt; Toon Braeye; Izaak Van Evercooren; Joris Van Loenhout; Ala'a AlKerwi; Susanne Schmitz Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Stockholm, Sweden, p.36 (2023) ISBN: ...

Burden of infectious disease studies in Europe and the United Kingdom: a review of methodological design choices

João Vasco; McDonald, Scott A; Plass, Dietrich; Grant M A Wyper; Assuncao, Ricardo; von der Lippe, Elena; Ádám, Balázs; AlKerwi, Ala';a; Arabloo, Jalal; Baltazar, Ana Lúcia; Bikbov, Boris; ...

Methodological considerations in injury burden of disease studies across Europe: a systematic literature review.

Idavain; Henry Ngwa Che; Isabel Noguer; Alicia Padron-Monedero; Rodrigo Sarmiento; Marek Majdan; Ádám, Balázs; Ala'a AlKerwi; Seila Cilovic-Lagarija; Benjamin Clarsen; Barbara Corso; Sarah Cuschieri; ...

Burden of non-communicable disease studies in Europe: a systematic review of data sources and methodological choices

Participants; Ádám, Balázs; Ala’a Alkerwi; Boris Bikbov; Bølling, Anette Kocbach; Susanne Breitner; Sarah Cuschieri; Christina C Dahm; Terje Andreas Eikemo; Fischer, Florian; Alberto Freitas; Juan Manuel ...

Methodological considerations in injury burden of disease studies across Europe: a systematic literature review

Idavain; Henry Ngwa Che; Isabel Noguer; Alicia Padron-Monedero; Rodrigo Sarmiento; Marek Majdan; Ádám, Balázs; Ala’a Alkerwi; Seila Cilovic-Lagarija; Benjamin Clarsen; Barbara Corso; Sarah Cuschieri; Keren ...

Conducting national burden of disease studies in small countries in Europe– a feasible challenge?

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Sarah Cuschieri; Elena Pallari; Natasa Terzic; Ala’a Alkerwi; Rannveig Sigurvinsdottir; Inga Dora Sigfusdottir; Brecht Devleesschauwer ...

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