Search results - 3 results

Antibiotic consumption patterns in older adults: a comparative study of people 65 years and older in and outside nursing homes, Belgium, 2016 to 2022.

of AMC in nursing home (NH) residents is lacking.AimTo perform a retrospective analysis of antibiotic consumption in Belgian NH s, we compared analogous populations inside and outside NH s. We aimed to ...

The ambitious plan to integrate genomics and patient data in the surveillance of infectious disease and AMR in Belgium: Experiences from be.Prepared

or 1928 Diagnostics AB, to continue their surveillance. However, this was not the path chosen in Belgium. The Belgian Public Health Institute (Sciensano) conceptualized an overarching infrastructure to ...

Check of APpropriaTeness of Antimicrobial therapy In Nursing homes (CAPTAIN): a point prevalence study in Belgium

Check of AP propriaTeness of antimicrobial therapy in nursing homes (CAPTAIN) study aimed to assess both prevalence and appropriateness of AMT in Belgian nursing homes. Methods In a prospective, ...

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