Search results - 6 results

LC-MS/MS Validation and Quantification of Cyanotoxins in Algal Food Supplements from the Belgium Market and Their Molecular Origins

identify the taxon responsible for the toxin production. For seven out of these ten samples, the mcyE gene could be amplified and associated to Microcystis sp. EFSA and posology consumption data for ...

Development of a genoserotyping system for the identification of Salmonella serotypes

Abstract: Salmonella is a major pathogen, widely spread and responsible of salmonellosis. It can cause different symptoms, from simple gastroenteritis to the more dangerous typhoid fever. Salmonella can ...

Biological activity conferred by endocrine disrupting chemicals in hospital effluent and river water from the Brussels Region, Belgium

:// Keywords: Biological activity Brussels endocrine disrupting ...

In vitro model to study the endocrine disrupting activity of migration products from plastic food contact materials

luciferase gene, as a reporter gene, and a DNA responsive element specific to the human oestrogen receptor. The biological activity of a chemical compound is monitored by the measurement of light emitted by ...

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