Search results - 5 results

Methodological choices in brucellosis burden of disease assessments: A systematic review

a chronic state was included. CONCLUSION: Available brucellosis burden of disease assessments vary widely in their methodology and assumptions. Further research is needed to better characterize the clinical ...

Generating the evidence for risk reduction: a contribution to the future of food-based dietary guidelines.

disability-adjusted life years can be used for the various clinical outcomes and the overall results can be compared across the food groups. For future FBDG, we recommend to implement evidence from pairwise and NMA and ...

Risk to human and animal health related to the presence of 4,15-diacetoxyscirpenol in food and feed

established based on data obtained in clinical trials of DAS as an anticancer agent (anguidine) after intravenous administration to cancer patients. The CONTAM Panel considered these data as informative for the ...

Nicotine Dependence and Urinary Nicotine, Cotinine and Hydroxycotinine Levels in Daily Smokers.

items, urinary cotinine levels, sex, and age. Our results might be of importance for clinical use or future studies on larger smoking populations. Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety ...

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