Search results - 4 results
Flemish consensus statement on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections in older nursing home residents.
use, stressing the need for a guideline approach. OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: A consensus statement on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of UTI s in older adults residing in nursing homes was developed ...
Addressing health determinants in a digital age: project report- World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe
extracted and clustered using a thematic analysis. Priority areas were identified through internal discussions guided by consensus methods. This report offers a comprehensive overview of determinants, ...
10 years of organizing L. monocytogenes enumeration proficiency testing in food matrices at the Belgian national reference laboratory.
distinguish both species. Performance of the participants is expressed using z-score calculated based on the consensus value from participant results. Sensitivity, specificity and the overall performance of the ...
Consensus process for a data quality and utility label
dimensions, which were the input for the actual study. A modified Delphi method, utilizing the RAND / UCLA appropriateness method, was conducted to reach consensus among experts on the most relevant dimensions. ...