Search results - 82 results

Selection and use of reference panels: a case study highlighting current gaps in the materials available for foot and mouth disease.

if there is consensus and coordination of these activities among OIE Reference Laboratories. Health Topics:  Animal health Santé animale Diergezondheid Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

Healthcare-associated infections in home healthcare: an extensive assessment, 2019.

a two-round Delphi survey to reach consensus among key informants on the previous steps’ results.ResultsThe literature review included 47 publications. We conducted 21 in-depth interviews. The Delphi survey’s ...

Estimating the direct Covid-19 disability-adjusted life years impact on the Malta population for the first full year

a population level. Methods Mortality and weekly hospital admission data were used to calculate DALY s, based on the European Burden of Disease Network consensus Covid-19 model. Covid-19 infection duration of 14 days ...

Organisation of Multi-Mycotoxin Proficiency Tests: Evaluation of the Performances of the Laboratories Using the Triple A Rating Approach

Europe, Canada, and the United States. The obtained datasets were computed using robust statistics. The outliers were checked and removed, and the toxin concentrations were assigned as the consensus value ...

Stakeholder Coalitions and Priorities Around the Policy Goals of a Nation-Wide Mental Health Care Reform

may explain the slow and inconsistent pace of the Belgian mental healthcare reform. Strengthening community care may be an essential part of reaching consensus across coalitions. Finally, special care ...

Selection and use of reference panels: a case study highlighting current gaps in the materials available for foot and mouth disease

these materials, sustainable progress in this arena will only be achievable if there is consensus and coordination of these activities among OIE Reference Laboratories. Health Topics:  Animal health Santé ...

PT-2020-NRL-TE-FASFC “Determination of As, Cd, Pb and Hg in food supplements"

assigned values (xa) and their uncertainty (u(xa)) were determined as the consensus of participant’s results. Standard deviations for proficiency assessment were calculated using the modified ...

Making the Lives of Children and Young People More Visible in Europe. Consensus on Child and Young People’s Health and Well-Being Indicators for Europe: A Delphi Process

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Sara McQuinn; Marie Delnord; Mary Rose Sweeney; Anthony Staines Source: Child Indicators Research, Volume 13, Issue 3 (2020) Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé ...

Report on the 2018 Multimycotoxin Proficiency Test: Determining 12 mycotoxins in cornflakes

uncertainty of their results. The assigned values (Vass) and their uncertainties (u(xa)) were determined as the consensus of participantsí results. Standard deviations for proficiency assessment were calculated ...

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