Search results - 97 results

The overweight epidemic increasingly hits children of lower educated parents in Belgium

Dublin, Ireland (2023) Abstract: Background Childhood overweight has a negative impact on children’s (mental) health. Although the prevalence of overweight among children is high in Western countries, the ...

A genomic appraisal of invasive Salmonella Typhimurium and associated antibiotic resistance in sub-Saharan Africa.

sequence data from 1303 S. Typhimurium isolates originating from 19 African countries and isolated between 1979 and 2017, here we show a thorough scaled appraisal of the population structure of iNTS disease ...

Genomic monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 variants using sentinel SARI hospital surveillance.

Issue 10 (2023) Keywords: COVID-19 Genomics hospitals Humans Pandemics Pneumonia SARS-CoV-2 Sentinel Surveillance Abstract: BACKGROUND: To support the COVID-19 pandemic response, many countries, including ...

Developing evidence-informed indicators to monitor HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis programmes across EU/EEA countries: a multi-stakeholder consensus

Eurosurveillance, Volume 28, Issue 23 (2023) Keywords: Europe HIV Monitoring PrEP prevention Abstract: Several countries in the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) established and/or scaled up HIV ...

Wastewater monitoring can anchor global disease surveillance systems

Maria Ines Source: The Lancet Global Health, Volume 11, Issue 6 (2023) Abstract: To inform the development of global wastewater monitoring systems, we surveyed programmes in 43 countries. Most programmes ...

A global genomic analysis of Salmonella Concord reveals lineages with high antimicrobial resistance in Ethiopia.

(S. Concord) is known to cause severe gastrointestinal and bloodstream infections in patients from Ethiopia and Ethiopian adoptees, and occasional records exist of S. Concord linked to other countries ...

Salmonella Durban meningitis: case report and genomics study.

by non-typhoid Salmonella can be a fatal condition which is more common in low and middle-income countries. CASE PRESENTATION: We report the case of a Salmonella meningitis in a Belgian six-month old ...

A new data collection system for Epilabo: the network of sentinel laboratories

provinces of the country within the new data collection system. Conclusions The new data collection system presented here represents a major improvement in terms of data security, integrity, quality and ...

Interim 2022/23 influenza vaccine effectiveness: six European studies, October 2022 to January 2023.

in different areas.AimTo provide interim 2022/23 influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) estimates from six European studies, covering 16 countries in primary care, emergency care and hospital inpatient ...

Identification of Mycobacterium abscessus Subspecies by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry and Machine Learning.

level. Moreover, an improved model with Spanish isolates was able to identify 88.9% of strains collected in other countries. In addition, differences in culture media, colony morphology, and geographic ...

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