Search results - 6 results

Epidemiology of COVID-19 mortality in Belgium from wave 1 to wave 7 (March 2020 – 11 September 2022)

surveillance of COVID-19 mortality, the observations on the first seven waves combined of the epidemic in Belgium (01/03/2020 – 11/09/2022) are as follows: Waves 66.8% of the COVID-19 deaths occurred during the ...

Evaluating methodological approaches to assess the severity of infection with SARS-CoV-2 variants: scoping review and applications on Belgian COVID-19 data.

versus the occurrence of severe complications or death) and exposure to a variant (e.g., linkage of the sequencing or genotyping result with the patient data through a unique identifier versus ...

Severity of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 lineage among hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Belgium.

associated with both severe COVID-19 progression and ICU  admission. CONCLUSION: This matched observational cohort study did not find an overall increased risk of severe COVID-19 or death associated with ...

Effect of COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign in Belgian Nursing Homes on COVID-19 Cases, Hospital Admissions, and Deaths among Residents

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Sara Dequeker; Milena Callies; Catharina Vernemmen; Katrien Latour; Laura Int Panis; Romain Mahieu; Lennert Noppe; Muhammet Savsin; Els Duysburgh Source: Viruses, Volume 14, Issue 7 (2022) Health ...

Surveillance of COVID-19 mortality in Belgium, epidemiology and methodology during 1st and 2nd wave (March 2020- 14 February 2021)

Coronavirus COVID-19 mortality Surveillance Abstract: This report provides epidemiological figures about the characteristics of COVID-19 deaths during the first wave (1 March 2020 until 21 June 2020), the inter ...

Excess mortality during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 epidemic in Belgium

Epidemiologic surveillance of COVID-19 deaths was accurately conducted during the epidemic and it is even likely that COVID-19 deaths were underreported during the ascending phases of excess mortality by 1,193 ...

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