Search results - 3 results

Estimated number of COVID-19 deaths averted by vaccination in Belgium

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Veerle Stouten; Izaak Van Evercooren; Catharina Vernemmen; Toon Braeye; Matthieu Billuart; Lucy Catteau; Natalia Bustos Sierra; Pierre Hubin; Elias Vermeiren; Serge Nganda; Léonore N ...

Effectiveness of XBB.1.5 Monovalent COVID-19 Vaccines During a Period of XBB.1.5 Dominance in EU/EEA Countries, October to November 2023: A VEBIS-EHR Network Study.

countries in the European Union/European Economic Area, we estimated XBB.1.5 monovalent vaccine effectiveness (VE) against COVID-19 hospitalisation and death in booster-eligible ≥ 65-year-olds, during ...

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