Search results - 546 results

Sorting out the plants responsible for a contamination with pyrrolizidine alkaloids in spice seeds by means of LC-MS/MS and DNA barcoding: Proof of principle with cumin and anise spice seeds

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Marie Willocx; Iris Van der Beeten; Pieter Asselman; Lynn Delgat; Wim Baert; Steven B. Janssens; Frederik Leliaert; Jean-François Picron; Celine Vanhee Source: Food Chemistry: Molecular Sciences, ...

Characterization of Clostridium tetani seed strains – DNA seq/RNA seq/ targeted proteomics

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Jeroen Pennings; Celine Vanhee Source: VAC2VAC annual meeting (2021) Health Topics:  Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products- Quality of medical laborator ...

Prevalence estimates of genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection in Belgium: results from two cross-sectional studies.

invited by letter to collect a urine sample at home. The CT2 study used urine samples collected through the Belgian Health Examination Survey. Molecular detection of chlamydia DNA was performed using Xpert ...

The bacteriophage LUZ24 "Igy" peptide inhibits the Pseudomonas DNA gyrase.

Konstantin Severinov; Lavigne, Rob Source: Cell Rep, Volume 36, Issue 8 (2021) Keywords: Bacteriophage DNA Gyrase Abstract: The bacterial DNA gyrase complex (GyrA/GyrB) plays a crucial role during DNA ...

Development of a real-time PCR marker targeting a new unauthorized genetically modified microorganism producing protease identified by DNA walking.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Marie-Alice Fraiture; U Marchesi; D Verginelli; N. Papazova; Nancy Roosens Source: International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 354 (2021) Full text language:  English Category:  Peer-revie ...

Development of a real-time PCR marker targeting a new unauthorized genetically modified microorganism producing protease identified by DNA walking

Microbiology, Volume 354 (2021) Keywords: Antimicrobial resistance genes DNA walking anchored on pUB110 food and feed safety Genetically modified bacteria Protease real-time PCR detection Abstract: A PCR-based ...

Detection of Clinical and Subclinical Lumpy Skin Disease Using Ear Notch Testing and Skin Biopsies.

subclinical, the sensitivity of clinical surveillance could be lower than expected. Furthermore, real-time PCR for the detection of LSD viral DNA in blood samples from subclinical animals is only intermittently ...

My DNA, everybody's business? A citizen forum on the use of genomic information in society

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Chloé Mayeur; Wannes Van Hoof Source: European Conference on the Diffusion of Genomic Medicine, Issue University of Burgundy (2021) Abstract: The aims of precision genomics are ambit ...

Belgian citizens’ attitudes towards genomic data sharing. Results of the online DNA debate

with genomics. The trust and engagement of citizens concerning genomics and its ethical, legal and societal issues (ELSI) are thus critical. Sciensano set up an online DNA debate to investigate Belgian ...

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