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Search results - 4 results
Evaluation of the types, efficient use and health risks of application of silver-based biocides to provide antimicrobial properties to face masks applied during the Covid-19 crisis
consisting of metallic silver releasing Ag+ ions, Ag0 NP and large silver particles. For metallic and ionic silver, an acceptable exposure level (AEL mask) of 25 µg per mask was established based on ...
METROFOOD-RI: Pilot services with physical, remote and virtual access
infrastructure, funded upon the EU H2020 METROFOOD- PP project for its Preparatory Phase, aiming to establish a new distributed European Research Infrastructure (RI) to promote scientific excellence and increase ...
Agglomeration of titanium dioxide nanoparticles increases toxicological responses in vitro and in vivo
a deeper insight on the toxicological relevance of NP agglomerates and contributes to the establishment of a toxicologically relevant definition for NM s. Health Topics: Nanomaterials Nanomaterialen ...
Multivalent binding of herpesvirus to living cells is tightly regulated during infection.
8 (2018) Abstract: Viral infection, initiated by the landing of a virion on a cellular surface, is largely defined by the preliminary interactions established between viral particles and their receptors at ...