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European Health Information Portal: a one-stop shop for health information

established a European Health Information Portal, a web-based service, to facilitate better findability, access, interoperability and reuse of existing health information. Results: The European Health ...

Assessing uncertainty in airborne birch pollen modelling

raises alerts when episodes with huge amount of airborne birch pollen grains are expected. Such a forecast system for birch pollen was established for the Belgian territory in 2023 based on the pollen ...

European multi-centre study to establish MIC and zone diameter epidemiological cut-off values for Bacillus anthracis

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Dematheis, Flavia; Manzulli, Viviana; Grass, Gregor; Matuschek, Erika; Jacob, Daniela; Melzer, Falk; Elschner, Mandy; Kedrak-Jablonska, Agnieszka; Budniak, Sylwia; Marcella Mori; Fancello, Tizian ...

Multinational collaboration in solving a European Braenderup outbreak linked to imported melons, 2021.

With support from affected EU / EEA countries, and in partnership with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), ECDC established an international outbreak investigation team to rapidly identify the ...

HealthDCAT-AP Specifications

electronic health data. The proposal for a regulation on the European Health Data Space [EUR-Lex —  PE_76_2024_INIT], aims to establish a unified framework to facilitate the sharing and exchange of electronic ...

Clinical Accuracy of Alinity m HR HPV Assay on Self- versus Clinician-Taken Samples Using the VALHUDES Protocol.

Sensitivity and Specificity specimen handling Uterine Cervical Dysplasia Uterine Cervical Neoplasms Abstract: The VALHUDES protocol was established to evaluate clinical accuracy of human papillomavirus (HPV) ...

Benefits, harms and cost-effectiveness of cervical screening, triage and treatment strategies for women in the general population.

cervical screening guidelines in 2021. To inform this update, we used an established modeling platform, Policy1-Cervix, to evaluate the impact of seven primary screening scenarios across 78 low- and ...

Federated causal inference based on real-world observational data sources: application to a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine effectiveness assessment.

establishing a causal model, identifying and specifying data requirements in a common data model, generating synthetic data, and developing an interoperable and reproducible analytical pipeline for distributed ...

Microbial quality analysis of falsified medicines seized by controling agencies

offering an appealing alternative to legitimate medications [9]. A prominent concern in this landscape pertains to the compromised quality of these illicit pharmaceuticals, often deviating from established ...

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