Search results - 3 results

Quantification of rHVT-F genome load in feather follicles by specific real-time qPCR as an indicator of NDV-specific humoral immunity induced by day-old vaccination in SPF chickens.

response in chickens with no MDA. Our data indicate that the application of this real-time qPCR assay on FF samples taken from chickens in the field may be used to confirm rHVT-F vaccine administration and ...

Bluetongue surveillance system in Belgium: a stochastic evaluation of its risk-based approach effectiveness.

freedom of infection substantiation. Field data collected from the previous year’s outbreaks in Belgium were used to determine the risk groups to be considered. RESULTS: The best sensitivities at herd ...

Redesigning the serological surveillance program for notifiable avian influenza in Belgian professional poultry holdings.

coming year(s) in Belgium, thus optimizing the field resources and improving efficiency of disease surveillance such as required by the international standards. Health Topics:  Cabine de bronzage ...

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