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Search results - 32 results

Airtightness in Belgian high biocontainment facilities

D/2016/2505/14 Accession Number: D/2016/2505/14 Keywords: airtightness biosafety BSL-3 Recommendations Abstract: Following a discussion in 2011 at the meeting of the European Joint Enforcement Group of Contained ...

Toxicity in lead salt spiked soils to plants, invertebrates and microbial processes: Unraveling effects of acidification, salt stress and ageing reactions.

soil microbial processes. Three soils were spiked with Pb2+ salts up to a concentration of 8000 mg Pb/kg and were tested either after spiking, after soil leaching followed by pH correction, or after ...

Molecular detection and genotyping of noroviruses

three subsequent steps: a virus extraction step, RNA purification, and molecular detection of the purified RNA, occasionally followed by molecular genotyping. The current review mainly focused on the ...

Cytome assay in two cell lines exposed to ELF-magnetic fields: An investigation on the relation between exposure to ELF-magnetic fields and an alleged increased risk for Alzheimer's disease.

regimes:-Continuous exposure during 48h (after a 24h cultivation time)-24h exposure (after 24h cultivation) followed by a 24h recovery period-Exposure during the last 24h of cell cultivation only. Health Topics:  ...

Mutagenicity, antimutagenicity and cytotoxicity evaluation of South African Podocarpus species

following a concentration-dependent pattern. For 80% ethanol extracts, the most toxic extract in terms of percentage viability was leaves of Podocarpus falcatus whereby at 0.2 mg/ml, the viability of the ...

Gene and Protein Expression following Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields from Mobile Phones

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Jacques Vanderstraeten; Luc Verschaeve Source: Environmental Health Perspectives, Volume 116, Issue 9, Number 1135 (2008) Keywords: Gene Expression Genomics microwaves mobile phones protein expre ...

Guidance notes for the safety assessment of genetically modified crops for food and feed use

the aspects with relevance to human or animal health. This document provides guidance to notifiers and biosafety assessors as to which extent studies have to be carried out following a case-by-case ...

A novel approach to model 4 decades of marine chemical data

Abstract: The awareness of the negative effects of chemical pollution in the sixties has led to an increased concern on the chemical status of the marine environment in the following decades. International ...

4DEMON: Centralization and valorization of 4 decades of biota contaminant data in the Belgian Part of the North Sea

Research Program, all compartments of the marine ecosystem were studied. This initial program was followed by other research actions, programs and monitoring campaigns, resulting in a large set of valuable ...

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