Search results - 10 results

NextGEM: Next-Generation Integrated Sensing and Analytical System for Monitoring and Assessing Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure and Health.

Radio Waves Abstract: The evolution of emerging technologies that use Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field (RF- EMF) has increased the interest of the scientific community and society regarding the ...

Thyroid cancer incidence near nuclear sites in Belgium: An ecological study at small geographical level

different types of surrogate exposure considered in the 20 km area around the site of Fleurus (decreasing distance, increasing wind direction frequency and increasing exposure to estimated hypothetical ...

Simultaneous determination of parabens, bisphenols and alkylphenols in human placenta by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry

cohort. The detection frequency was highest for OP (95%), EtP (86%), BPA (49%) and BPS (44%). Among the quantified compounds the highest quantification frequency was observed for OP (85%), EtP (65%) and BPA ...

Spatial and temporal variations in airborne pollen in Europe.

were considered significant at  < 0.05. There were few significant trends in the magnitude and frequency of atmospheric pollen (only 8% for the mean sum of daily average pollen concentrations and 14% ...

Genotoxicity and genomic instability caused by intermediate frequency magnetic fields in rat astrocytes

Comet Assay cytotoxicity Genomic Instability genotoxicity intermediate frequencies Micronucleus test Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  Évaluation ...

Genetic damage in humans exposed to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields.

Aberrations DNA Damage Electromagnetic Fields Humans Lymphocytes Mouth Mucosa Occupational Exposure Abstract: The classification of extremely low-frequency magnetic fields by the International Agency for ...

The Cytome Assay as a Tool to Investigate the Possible Association Between Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields and an Increased Risk for Alzheimer's Disease.

Keywords: Apoptosis Carcinoma Cell Line, Tumor Chromosome Aberrations Cytokinesis Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation Humans magnetic fields Risk Factors Abstract: Exposure to extremely low frequency ...

Thyroid cancer incidence near nuclear sites in Belgium: An ecological study at small geographical level.

cancer incidence were observed with the different types of surrogate exposure considered in the 20 km area around the site of Fleurus (decreasing distance, increasing wind direction frequency and ...

Childhood leukemia near nuclear sites in Belgium: An ecological study at small geographical level.

from the nuclear sites (distance, wind direction frequency and exposure by hypothetical radioactive discharges taking into account historical meteorological conditions). All analyses are carried out at ...

Thyroid Cancer Incidence around the Belgian Nuclear Sites, 2000-2014.

nuclear site, prevailing dominant winds frequency from the site, and simulated radioactive discharges were used as surrogate exposures. No excess incidence of thyroid cancer was observed around the nuclear ...

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