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Search results - 3 results
Burden of disease of dietary exposure to four chemical contaminants in Denmark, 2019
(MeHg) and sweets, fruit, and bread and cereals (Pb). The burden attributed to dietary exposure to i-As (5 DALY s) and Cd (0.04 DALY) was substantially lower. Interpretation of estimates needs to consider ...
Pathways of human exposure to cobalt in Katanga, a mining area of the D.R. Congo.
positively correlated with most environmental Co concentrations, the highest correlations being found with Co in drinking water, vegetables and fruit. Estimated average total Co intake for adults was 63 (±42) ...
Cadmium in the food chain near non-ferrous metal production sites.
Belgian adult population. To evaluate the contamination levels of locally produced food items, 35 fruit samples, 97 vegetable samples, 98 samples of potatoes and 53 samples of meat, liver and kidney of ...