Search results - 6 results

Aluminium intake through the consumption of selected baby foods and risk characterization in a population of Brazilian infants aged 0 to 36 months

purees intake by girls was higher compared to boys. The baby food that most contributed to Al exposure in the total population, considering mean Al concentration values, was meat/vegetable purees, followed ...

Intake and dietary sources of haem and non-haem iron among European adolescents and their association with iron status and different lifestyle and socio-economic factors.

significantly higher among boys (13.8 mg/day; n=1077) than girls (11.0 mg/day; n=1253). About 97.3% of the boys and 87.8% of the girls met the estimated average requirement, and 72.4% of the boys and 13.7% of the ...

Evaluation of food and nutrient intake assessment using concentration biomarkers in European adolescents from the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence study.

correlations were higher among girls than boys. For boys, the highest validity coefficients were found for frequency of fruit consumption (0·88) and for DHA + EPA biomarker (0·71). In girls, the highest validity ...

Fortification of bread with iodized salt corrected iodine deficiency in school-aged children, but not in their mothers: a national cross-sectional survey in Belgium.

<0.001) and was higher in boys than in girls (p <0.001). The percentage of children with goiter was 7.2%. Of the 904 salt samples received, 63.2% did not contain iodine. CONCLUSIONS: Fortification of ...

Contribution of selected foods to acrylamide intake by a population of Brazilian adolescents

CONSUMPTION contribution data dietary Dietary intake Dietary-intake exposure exposure assessment food food consumption Foods Girls Individuals intake LEVEL levels method older ON percentile POPULATION Recall ...

Energy Drink Consumption among Adolescents Attending Schools in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo.

analysed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ultra-Violet spectrometry (HPLC- UV). RESULTS: Of 338 pupils (54% girls), 63% reported having consumed at least one ED in the last week and 34% drank ...

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