Search results - 22 results

The data layer: the importance of sources critical appraisal

focus on their sensitivity and specificity. These qualities are appraised following a dedicated scoring form into different categories (i.e., high, medium, low). The selection criteria for data sources ...

Informal caregiving and mental health: results from the Belgian health interview survey 2013 and 2018

Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Results The prevalence of informal caregiving increased from 10.0% in 2013 to 13.0% in 2018. Informal caregivers were predominantly female, middle-aged, and often had no paid job. ...

Aanpak van urineweginfecties in woonzorgcentra in België: praktische adviezen op basis van 2 studies

International studies report a high prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria, urinary tract infections and antimicrobial use for the prevention and treatment of these infections in nursing home residents. The ...

Lifestyle predictors of colorectal cancer in European populations: a systematic review

Issue 1 (2024) Abstract: BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most prevalent cancer in Europe, with one-fifth of cases attributable to unhealthy lifestyles. Risk prediction models for ...

Exploring anxiety and depression trends: insights from the BELHEALTH cohort 2022-2024 in Belgium

waves of the BELHEALTH longitudinal surveys from October 2022 to March 2024. High-risk groups and the potential of social support and resilience to mitigate anxiety and depression were explored. Methods: ...

The overweight epidemic increasingly hits children of lower educated parents in Belgium

Dublin, Ireland (2023) Abstract: Background Childhood overweight has a negative impact on children’s (mental) health. Although the prevalence of overweight among children is high in Western countries, the ...

Continued Circulation of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Variants and Detection of Novel Transmission Foci, the Netherlands.

its distribution and prevalence in the Netherlands, we conducted large-scale surveillance in ticks and rodents during August 2018-September 2020. We tested 320 wild rodents and >46,000 ticks from 48 ...

High diversity of yeast species and strains responsible for vulvovaginal candidiasis in South-East Gabon.

Volume 33, Issue 2 (2022) Abstract: OBJECTIVES: Candida albicans generally remains the principal pathogenic yeast responsible for vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), although with variable prevalence. In this ...

Estimating national and subnational nutrient intake distributions of global diets

BACKGROUND: Access to high-quality dietary intake data is central to many nutrition, epidemiology, economic, environmental, and policy applications. When data on individual nutrient intakes are available, they ...

An alarming high prevalence of resistance-associated mutations to macrolides and fluoroquinolones in Mycoplasma genitalium in Belgium: results from samples collected between 2015 and 2018ObjectivesMethodsResultsConclusion

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Irith De Baetselier; Chris Kenyon; Wim Vanden Berghe; Hilde Smet; Kristien Wouters; Dorien Van den Bossche; Vuylsteke, Bea; Tania Crucitti Source: Sexually Transmitted Infections, Volume 97, Issu ...

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