Search results - 17 results

Genome Sequences of Livestock-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus spa Type t899 Strains Belonging to Three Different Sequence Types (ST398, ST9, and ST4034).

Microbiol Resour Announc, Volume 8, Issue 2 (2019) Abstract: Livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA- MRSA) is an emerging MRSA lineage rapidly evolving in the community. In this ...

RNA-based drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

the knowledge on resistance mutations which is limited for especially 2nd-line and new drugs, (b) do not distinguish living from death cells, (c) ignore all intrinsic resistance mechanisms like efflux ...

Surveillance of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in Belgian hospitals: Report 2016

mandatorily have to participate in the surveillance of MRSA and MRGN. The aim of the current report is to present the 2016 results of the three epidemiological surveillance programs and to describe trends in ...

Genetic Basis and Clonal Population Structure of Antibiotic Resistance in Isolated From Broiler Carcasses in Belgium.

Front Microbiol, Volume 9 (2018) Abstract: Human campylobacteriosis is the leading food-borne zoonosis in industrialized countries. This study characterized the clonal population structure, antimicrobial ...

Comparative genomics of quinolone-resistant and susceptible Campylobacter jejuni of poultry origin from major poultry producing European countries (GENCAMP)

fluoroquinolone resistance among C. jejuni is related to the transmission through countries or to the selection through fluoroquinolone use in the individual countries. A high genomic diversity was observed. The ...

Characteristics of the antibiotic regimen that affect antimicrobial resistance in urinary pathogens

is unclear. Methods In this retrospective multi-center cohort study, we assessed the impact of different variables on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in pathogens isolated from the urinary tract in older adults. ...

Epidemiologie van Clostridium difficile infecties in België: Rapport 2017

in België, berekend op basis van de surveillancegegevens, is op nationaal niveau stabiel gebleven (1,58 episodes van ziekenhuisgerelateerde CDI per 10.000 ligdagen). De incidentie is gestegen (en ...

Public health risk of antimicrobial resistance transfer from companion animals.

corresponding need in veterinary medicine is expected. A unique aspect related to antimicrobial resistance and risk of resistance transfer in companion animals is their close contact with humans. This creates ...

Nosocomial Intravascular Catheter Infections with Extended-spectrum Beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in Calves after Strain Introduction from a Commercial Herd.

teaching hospital is reported. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was used for strain typing to determine the origin and dissemination of these strains. All 19 strains harboured the blaCTX-M-14, and six ...

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