Search results - 18 results
Standardization of Somatic Variant Classifications in Solid and Haematological Tumours by a Two-Level Approach of Biological and Clinical Classes: An Initiative of the Belgian ComPerMed Expert Panel.
(NGS) is currently the default assay for the detection of somatic variants in solid as well as haematological tumours. Independent of the method, the final outcome is a list of variants that differ from ...
Algorithms for molecular testing in solid tumours
molecular tests are documented with recent literature, guidelines and a brief technical description. This methodology was applied on different solid tumours for which molecular testing is a clear ...
Diagnostic testing in myeloid malignancies by next-generation sequencing: recommendations from the commission personalised medicine
myeloid malignancies. In addition, the minimally required set of genes that must be analysed is defined and algorithms for molecular workflow in myeloid malignancies are proposed. Health Topics: Cancer ...
Might Oral Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection in Healthy Individuals Explain Differences in HPV-Attributable Fractions in Oropharyngeal Cancer? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
healthy populations. Consistent research on determinants of oral HPV prevalence, acquisition, clearance, and persistence is warranted. Health Topics: Cancer Cancer Kanker Service: Centre du cancer ...
Meta-analysis of the accuracy of p16 or p16/Ki-67 immunocytochemistry versus HPV testing for the detection of CIN2+/CIN3+ in triage of women with minor abnormal cytology.
CONCLUSIONS: This meta-analysis confirms that p16 staining and p16/Ki-67 staining are more specific for CIN2 +/ CIN3 + than hrHPV DNA testing. Although p16 staining is less sensitive for CIN3 + than hrHPV DNA ...
Impact of the human papillomavirus status on the development of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in women negative for intraepithelial lesions or malignancy at the baseline: A 9-year Swedish nested case-control follow-up study.
conferred a significant risk. CONCLUSIONS The presence of HPV-16/18 among women with NILM cytology is associated with an elevated future risk of high-grade CIN. HPV types other than HPV-16/18 seem to have ...
The EMPCAN study: protocol of a population-based cohort study on the evolution of the socio-economic position of workers with cancer
the working age population (16–64 years). There is a strong need to assess and understand their reintegration on the labour market, which underlines and ensures their social integration and quality of ...
Assessing factors associated with long-term work disability after cancer in Belgium: a population-based cohort study using competing risks analysis with a 7-year follow-up
increasing worldwide. One of the main priorities is to preserve their quality of life and the sustainability of social security systems. We have carried out this study to assess factors associated with the ...
Cervical morbidity in Alsace, France: results from a regional organized cervical cancer screening program.
were reported among women aged 25-64 years (crude and standardized truncated incidence rate of 10.6 and 10.0/100 000 women-years, respectively). The overall screening coverage of 70% at 3 years is higher ...
Detecting cervical precancer and reaching underscreened women by using HPV testing on self samples: updated meta-analyses.
When used with hrHPV assays based on polymerase chain reaction, testing on self samples was similarly accurate as on clinician samples. Offering self sampling kits generally is more effective in reaching ...