Search results - 7 results

Is aggregated synthetic amorphous silica toxicologically relevant?

significantly relevant from a nanotoxicological perspective.This knowledge gap greatly afects the safety assessment and regulation of NM s, such as synthetic amorphous silica (SAS). SAS is used in a large panel ...

Estimation of the Uncertainties Related to the Measurement of the Size and Quantities of Individual Silver Nanoparticles in Confectionery.

Single particle ICP-MS Abstract: E174 (silver) is a food additive that may contain silver nanoparticles (AgNP). Validated methods are needed to size and quantify these particles in a regulatory context. ...

A systematic evaluation of Flow Field Flow Fractionation and single-particle ICP-MS to obtain the size distribution of organo-mineral iron oxyhydroxide colloids.

FlFFF- UV- ICP- MS is recommended for environmental studies of colloidal FeOx since it has a wide size detection range, it fractionates in an environmentally relevant background (1 mM NHHCO) and it has ...

Evaluation of a TEM based Approach for Size Measurement of Particulate (Nano)materials.

accurate and precise size measurement of the particulate materials. The approach is shown to be implementable in many other electron microscopy laboratories. Health Topics:  Nanomaterialen Nanomatériaux ...

Our new analytical electron microscope is way better than our conventional one

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Frederic Brassinne; Sandra De Vos; Eveline Verleysen; Daisy Tysmans; Jan Mast Source: Inauguration Talos analytical electron microscope, Issue Sciensano- Trace Elements and nanomater ...

Multivalent binding of herpesvirus to living cells is tightly regulated during infection.

8 (2018) Abstract: Viral infection, initiated by the landing of a virion on a cellular surface, is largely defined by the preliminary interactions established between viral particles and their receptors at ...

Physical Characterization of Nanomaterials in Dispersion by Transmission Electron Microscopy in a Regulatory Framework

8, Number 270, Cham, p.21 (2015) ISBN: 978-3-319-15176-2 Abstract: TEM is one of the few techniques that can identify nanoparticles according to the current definitions. This chapter focuses on the ...

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