Search results - 1704 results

EBoD-FL. Guidelines for mapping the environmental burden of disease in Flanders, 2024

partnering up in a project to map the Environmental Burden of Disease in Flanders (EB oD- FL). The aim of the research is to inventory the burden of disease attributable to all relevant environmental stressors ...

Implementation of METROFOOD services in the Belgium node

Nanoparticles National Node Research infrastructures Abstract: METROFOOD- FED. BE, a 3-year project funded by the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO), is the national component of the ESFRI (European Strategy ...

Epidemiologische surveillance van poliomyelitis Poliovirus & niet-polio enterovirussen- 2023

Jong; Christian Huvelle; Maite Delpire; Aynur Mutlu; Adrae Taame Source: p.19 (2025) Abstract: Sinds 1999 zijn er in België geen gevallen van poliomyelitis gemeld. België is momenteel door de WGO ...


bij de algemene als de doelpopulatie significant af. Uit de resultaten is gebleken dat het aandeel patiënten met overgewicht sinds 2008 toeneemt. Volgens het OESO-rapport van 2019 werd deze trend echter ...

Physical activity on prescription in Belgium: General Practitioners’ involvement

relating to PAP. Secondly, a cross-sectional survey was conducted in Belgian GP s between January and March 2023 for which descriptive statistics were performed. Results In Belgium, there is no national ...

BSFM 2024- Reported food-borne outbreaks in Belgium, 2023

outbreaks, collects and centralizes the information on food-borne outbreaks (FBO s) and assures the follow-up of the FBO s in Belgium. Materials and Methods A food-borne outbreak is defined as an incidence, ...

Protocol Be-MOMO in woonzorgcentra

Sciensano. Voortbouwend op het kader dat door Be- MOMO is opgezet, streeft het Be- MOMO in WZC project in 2024 naar het uitbreiden en verfijnen van de sterftemonitoring door specifiek te focussen op de ...

Substandard and falsified ivermectin tablets obtained for self-medication during the COVID-19 pandemic as a source of potential harm.

newly developed active pharmaceutical ingredients that can safely be used to combat parasites is rather scarce. Health Topics:  Illegal medicines Médicaments illégaux Illegale geneesmiddelen Service:  ...

Overview of air quality measures aiming to reduce emissions from road traffic and mitigate health impact in Belgium

quality measures public health Abstract: Poor air quality is the number one environmental cause of premature death across the EU. Although great efforts have been made in the last decade to reduce air ...

Surveillance van de mortaliteit door alle oorzaken in België, Vlaanderen, Wallonië en Brussel in de winters van 2020-2021 en 2021-2022. Be-MOMO: the Belgian Mortality Monitoring

overschreden van week 10 (7 tot 13 maart 2022, 273 consultaties) tot week 15 (11 tot 17 april 2022, 97 consultaties). De griepepidemie duurde 6 weken, wat een relatief korte duur is. De intensiteit van de ...

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