Search results - 17 results

Chromatographic and Spectroscopic Analyses of Cannabinoids: A Narrative Review Focused on Cannabis Herbs and Oily Products

cannabinoids; cannabis herbs; oil; review; chromatography; spectroscopy Abstract: Cannabis sativa L. is cultivated nowadays for agricultural, industrial, and medicinal applications and also for recreational use. ...

Impact of substance type and patient characteristics on the choice of treatment setting for substance use disorder in Belgium

to inefficiencies, particularly in the treatment of individuals with dual diagnoses. Despite the recognized challenges, there is limited understanding of the factors that influence whether patients ...

De TDI-registratie in België- Jaarlijks rapport, registratiejaar 2023

het gebruik van alcohol of illegale drugs. Dit aantal is stabiel tussen 2015 en 2023. • In Vlaanderen is cannabis na alcohol de meest voorkomende substantie waarvoor behandeling wordt gevraagd. Het ...

A protocol for identifying the needs related to drug use, health and social (re)integration of people living in prison within five European countries

describes the design of a study about wellbeing, drug use and related care in prison. METHODS / DESIGN: A multicentre mixed method design is implemented in five European countries (Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, ...

Future of opioid markets in Europe: Foresight approaches

Abstract: Sources such as UNODC  report about the ban on opium production in Afghanistan in 2023. This ban might have an impact on the heroin market in Europe. It is difficult to foresee what the consequences ...

Applying foresight research for drug policy: Lessons from the DRUG-PREP project

Foresight research is increasingly recognised as important in navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of drug policy. This innovative approach enables thinking, debating and shaping future trajectories. ...

Prevalence of drug use before and during imprisonment in seven European countries (2014–2018)

Journal of Community Psychology (2023) Abstract: Substance use is a global phenomenon that is particularly affecting the prison population. This study aimed to describe the prevalence of drug use among ...

Prevalence of drug use before and during imprisonment in seven European countries (2014-2018)

Psychol (2023) Keywords: criminal justice system drugs Europe prevalence prisons Substance use survey Abstract: Substance use is a global phenomenon that is particularly affecting the prison population. ...

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