Search results - 64 results
EU Oncology Decision Support Tool concept (CAN.HEAL Deliverable 10.1)
oncDST Oncology Decision Support Tools personalized medicine Precision Oncology public health genomics Abstract: This deliverable, titled D10.1 EU-oncDST, is one of the outcomes of Work Package 10 (WP10) ...
How to Deal with Uninformed and Poorly Informed Opinions of Citizens? A Critical Approach to Online Public Engagement
Genomics public engagement uninformed opinion Abstract: Public engagement is increasingly recognized as a mutual learning of perspectives between lay and expert stakeholders. Still, the intention to educate ...
Methods for meta-analysis and meta-regression of binomial data: concepts and tutorial with Stata command metapreg
understood. The generalized linear models framework is well-established and provides a natural and optimal model for meta-analysis, network meta-analysis, and meta-regression of proportions. Nonetheless, ...
Policy brief Belgian EBCP Mirror Group- patient and citizen engagement
addressed if they are well understood. As such, a continuous, systematic and formalised dialogue between patients, citizens and policy makers is required to ensure ethical and socially appropriate cancer ...
The Belgian Cancer Inventory: Co-creating a framework for monitoring the implementation of cancer policies and associated inequalities
burden through targeted actions. However, the uptake of those actions is not systematically monitored in every Member State. In Belgium, a country lacking an up-to-date national cancer plan, a monitoring ...
Policy Brief – Survivorship is cancer survivorship the poor cousin of cancer control within the EBCP?
survivorship quality of care Quality of Life survivorship care Abstract: Background There is an increasing number of cancer survivors, including children, adolescents, young adults, individuals of working age, ...
Policy brief Belgian EBCP Mirror Group: children, adolescents and young adults with cancer
in a patient- and cancer-driven way. There is an urgent need to support and extend the ongoing initiatives in Belgium. First, multidisciplinary care programmes dedicated to children need to be ...
Policy brief Belgian EBCP Mirror Group- Artificial Intelligence in cancer care
artificial intelligence cancer Data-driven infrastructure Genomics High-performance Computing Imagine Data Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already a reality in health systems, bringing benefits to ...
Improve the management of cancer-related cognitive impairment in clinical settings: a European Delphi study.
Cécile; Joly, Florence Source: J Cancer Surviv (2023) Abstract: PURPOSE: Cancer-related cognitive impairment (CRCI) is under-addressed by healthcare professionals owing to a lack of clinical management ...
Global and regional estimates of genital human papillomavirus prevalence among men: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Diseases Uterine Cervical Neoplasms Young adult Abstract: BACKGROUND: The epidemiology of human papillomavirus (HPV) in women has been well documented. Less is known about the epidemiology of HPV in men. We ...