Search results - 529 results
The knowledge layer: the role of key messages for translating data into meaning
audience. Crucial to this process is ongoing communication with experts and stakeholders, ensuring that the data is not only accurately interpreted but also aligns with the needs and expectations of its ...
The data layer: the importance of sources critical appraisal
is to tracking the health status of its citizens and understanding its evolution over time. Given the absence of a singular, comprehensive data source, we developed a framework to select databases ...
EBoD-FL. Guidelines for mapping the environmental burden of disease in Flanders, 2024
partnering up in a project to map the Environmental Burden of Disease in Flanders (EB oD- FL). The aim of the research is to inventory the burden of disease attributable to all relevant environmental stressors ...
Informal caregiving and mental health: results from the Belgian health interview survey 2013 and 2018
caregivers is increasing. This study investigates the socio-demographic profile of informal caregivers in Belgium and assesses the relationship between informal care (intensity and care recipients) and mental ...
Ketamine, a new (or old) kid on the block: A comprehensive three-year spatio-temporal study in Belgium through wastewater-based epidemiology
disposal down the drain could be differentiated by the investigation of the ketamine to norketamine ratio. Ketamine use is widespread across the north of Belgium, encompassing a relatively stable, year-round ...
EU Oncology Decision Support Tool concept (CAN.HEAL Deliverable 10.1)
oncDST Oncology Decision Support Tools personalized medicine Precision Oncology public health genomics Abstract: This deliverable, titled D10.1 EU-oncDST, is one of the outcomes of Work Package 10 (WP10) ...
Flemish consensus statement on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections in older nursing home residents.
are one of the most commonly reported infections in Belgian nursing home residents. In older adults, UTI diagnosis and management is complex, often leading to over-diagnosis and irrational antimicrobial ...
Applying foresight methods at the national level in the field of substance use: Experience from the DRUGPREP project
The application of foresight to the drugs sphere is important in recognition of the fast-changing and intersectional nature of drugs and addiction. At the European level, a futures exercise was ...
Emergence of ST131 carrying carbapenemase genes, European Union/European Economic Area, August 2012 to May 2024.
high-risk lineage ST131 is a public health concern. Health Topics: Résistance aux antimicrobiens (AMR) Antimicrobiële resistentie (AMR) Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) Service: Infections liées aux soins et ...
Antibiotic consumption patterns in older adults: a comparative study of people 65 years and older in and outside nursing homes, Belgium, 2016 to 2022.
of AMC in nursing home (NH) residents is lacking.AimTo perform a retrospective analysis of antibiotic consumption in Belgian NH s, we compared analogous populations inside and outside NH s. We aimed to ...