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legal medicines

Search results - 21 results

MSSIP007 on Nootropics

Keywords: Illegal medicines nootropics Abstract: Reporting on the status of the 7th MSSIP study of the FM WG of EDQM Health Topics:  Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products- ...

Analytical screening methodologies for suspected illegal samples:

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Celine Vanhee Source: 2021 APEC international workshop on food adulterated with drugs and illegal products (2021) Health ...

Characterization and hazard identification of substandard and falsified antimicrobials encountered in Belgium

together with anti-malarials, one of the most popular medicines that have been encountered as illegal substandard and falsified (SF) medical products. It has been demonstrated that SF products of these ...

Evaluation of impurities and dissolution profiles of illegal antimicrobial drugs encountered in Belgium

veiligheid van vaccins, geneesmiddelen en gezondheidsproducten- Kwaliteit van de medische laboratoria Médicaments illégaux Illegal medicines Illegale geneesmiddelen Service:  Médicaments et produits de santé ...

Development and validation of chromatographic methods for screening and subsequent quantification of suspected illegal antimicrobial drugs encountered on the Belgian market.

médicaux Doeltreffendheid en veiligheid van vaccins, geneesmiddelen en gezondheidsproducten- Kwaliteit van de medische laboratoria Médicaments illégaux Illegal medicines Illegale geneesmiddelen Service:  ...

The role of liquid chromatography and gas chromatography in the analysis of illegal medicines and health products

Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products- Quality of medical laboratories Efficacité et sécurité des vaccins, médicaments et produits de santé- Qualité des laboratoires médicaux ...

Development and validation of chromatographic methods for screening and subsequent quantification of suspected illegal antimicrobial drugs encountered on the Belgian market

real-life illegal samples, seized by inspectors from the Belgium Federal Agency for Medicinal and Health Products (FAMHP), were analyzed using the two described methods. About half of them were not compliant ...

Analysis of illegal peptide drugs via HILIC-DAD-MS.

Illegal medicines Illegale geneesmiddelen Full text language:  English Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  3.03 Health sciences ...

Characterization of suspected dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid

During the validation a variety of formulations including those present in legal HA containing dermal fillers were taken into consideration. As a proof of principle, legal and suspected illegal dermal ...

Detection and risk evaluation of counterfeit medicines based on physico-chemical properties: the fingerprint and chemometrics approach

profiling and IR spectroscopy to obtain a prime discrimination between genuine and counterfeit Viagra® and Cialis® medicines. Hypothesis testing showed that most illegal samples differ significantly from ...

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