Search results - 9 results
European Health Information Portal: a one-stop shop for health information
Petronille Source: European Journal of Public Health, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_1 (2024) Abstract: Background: Timely and high-quality population-level health information is needed to support ...
Expanding citizen engagement in the secondary use of health data: an opportunity for national health data access bodies to realise the intentions of the European Health Data Space
of health data, issuing data permits, and implementing high levels of accountability and security. In Belgium, the setup in 2023 of a federal Health Data Agency (HDA) that is developing and ...
What does it take to create a European Health Data Space? International commitments and national realities
level and Member State level circumstances should be considered to make the EHDS a reality. Health Topics: Health Information System Système d'informations de santé Gezondheidsinformatiesysteem ...
Social inequalities and long-term health impact of COVID-19 in Belgium: protocol of the HELICON population data linkage
a case study for linking highly sensitive individual-level information. We describe the data linkages between health surveillance records and administrative data sources necessary to investigate social ...
Measuring small-area level deprivation in Belgium: The Belgian Index of Multiple Deprivation
Bleser; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, Volume 45 (2023) Keywords: Area-level deprivation Belgium Multiple deprivation Abstract: Background In the past, deprivation ...
The InfAct proposal for a sustainable European health information infrastructure on population health: the Distributed Infrastructure on Population Health (DIPoH).
Information Systems (HIS), exploration of technical acceptability and feasibility, and finally obtaining high-level political support.. The technical exploration (Technical Dialogues- TD) was assumed by ...
Integrating technical and political views for a sustainable European Distributed Infrastructure on Population Health.
representatives from Ministries of Health and Research at the highest political level, with the aim of providing policy-oriented advice for the future political acceptance, support, implementation, and development ...
Mapping European research networks providing health data: results from the InfAct Joint Action on health information.
RESULTS: Fifty-seven research networks, representative at national, international or regional level, were identified. In these networks, data are mainly collected through administrative sources, health ...
Developing a tool to monitor knowledge translation in the health system: results from an international Delphi study
reach agreement on criteria to monitor KT at the level of national HIS. Public health professionals participated in three survey rounds, in which they ranked 85 preselected criteria and could suggest ...