Search results - 3 results

Proteomic characterization of bovine herpesvirus 4 extracellular virions.

virus infection. This study extends our knowledge of gammaherpesvirus virions composition and provides new insights for understanding the life cycle of these viruses. Health Topics:  Animal health Santé ...

Potential impact of fertilization practices on human dietary intake of dioxins in Belgium.

livestock (from 6 to ~300%). Considering an average half-life of dioxins in soils of 13 years, it appears that the risks of accumulation in soils and in the food chain are negligible for the various ...

The microtubule-associated protein doublecortin is broadly expressed in the telencephalon of adult canaries.

microtubule machinery, is required for neuronal migration. DCX expression is generally maximal during embryonic and early post-natal life but decreases markedly and almost disappears in older animals in ...

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