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Search results - 6 results

Pathways to a cancer-free future: A protocol for modelled evaluations to maximize the future impact of interventions on cervical cancer in Australia

and cost outcomes. CONCLUSIONS Pathways-Cervix will assess the relative benefits of strategies and treatment options in a systematic and health economic framework, producing a list of ‘best buys’ for ...

A multidisciplinary Delphi consensus to define evidence-based quality indicators for diabetic foot ulcer care.

as well as a patient organization representative, was recruited. By using the RAND / UCLA Appropriateness Method, stakeholders were asked to rate a list of 42 candidate evidence-based indicators for ...

Chapter 10: HPV testing on cervical cancer specimens: which assay can be used in cervical cancer screening.

hrHPV mRNA tests with validated DNA tests. These reviews are updated and summarised in this chapter. The assays that can be considered as clinically validated are listed in Text Box 1: Standard comparator ...

List of 2023 projects documented in the PMO Tool

Kwaliteit van de gezondheidszorg Manuscript versions:  File:  list_of_2023_projects_documented_in_the_pmo_tool.xlsx Version:  Published Full text access:  Public Access File:  Version:  Published Full text ...

List of 2024 projects documented in the PMO Tool

Publication Type: Non-peer reviewed scientific publication Authors: Sciensano Source: (0) Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselcons ...

Introduction du test HPV dans le dépistage du Cancer du Col de l'utérus en Belgique

aperçu des directives cliniques accompagnant les nouveaux algorithmes de dépistage, les changements de nomenclature, la liste de tests HPV acceptés, les dispositions particulières concernant ...

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