Search results - 142 results

End-of-life decisions: a cross-national study of treatment preference discussions and surrogate decision-maker appointments

Logistic-regression medical method methods Netherlands Network networks OCCUPATIONAL Occupational Health Participation Patient patients Planning prevalence public regression Research Research Support result results SB- ...

End-of-life medical treatment preference discussions and surrogate decision-maker appointments: evidence from Italy, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands

Life Logistic logistic regression Logistic-regression medical method methods Netherlands Network networks OCCUPATIONAL Occupational Health Palliative Care Participation Patient Patient Participation ...

Serological and virological BVDV prevalence and risk factor analysis for herds to be BVDV seropositive in Belgian cattle herds.

their herd. Risk factors for a herd to be BVDV seropositive were identified by means of a multivariable logistic regression model. Large herds were significantly more likely to be BVDV seropositive (OR ...

Risk factors associated with brucellosis seropositivity among cattle in the central savannah-forest area of Ivory Coast.

iELISA results showed that 10.3% (95% confidence interval (CI): 8.4, 12.4) of the cattle had antibodies against Brucella in our study area. The logistic regression analysis indicated that brucellosis ...

Adverse obstetrical outcomes after treatment of precancerous cervical lesions: a Belgian multicentre study.

pregnancy outcomes, adjusted for confounding variables, was assessed by Cox regression and lifetables (for the outcome gestational age at birth) and by logistic regression (for the outcomes PD and SGA ...

Characteristics of serology-based vaccine potency models for foot-and-mouth disease virus.

implemented yet. The aim of the present study was to further characterize the properties of serological vaccine potency models. METHODS: Logistic regression models were built for 5 serological assays from ...

People's beliefs about reasons for taking anxiolytics, hypnotics and sedatives

INFORMATION institution Interview Interview survey Interviews IS IT KNOWLEDGE Less living Logistic logistic regression Logistic-regression medical drug Medicine medicines method methods Monitoring ...

The thickness and volume of LLETZ specimens can predict the relative risk of pregnancy-related morbidity

Infant Infants Institute Ireland LLETZ Logistic logistic regression Logistic-regression M measure measures method methods morbidity Objective obstetrical outcomes ON outcome Paper physical POPULATION ...

Does country influence the health burden of informal care? An international comparison between Belgium and Great Britain36539

Logistic-regression Long-term Male methodology middle aged ON Paper Patient patients POLICIES POLICY regression Research Research Design Research Support residence result results SB- IM Self Report Social Environment ...

Parenteral versus oral administration of systemic antimicrobials in European nursing homes: a point-prevalence survey.

antimicrobials were collected by means of a point-prevalence survey. Logistic regression was used to analyse the data. RESULTS: Based on data from 21 European countries for 2046 antimicrobial prescriptions, an ...

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