Search results - 142 results
Landscape and regional environmental analysis of the spatial distribution of hantavirus human cases in europe.
environmental variables. METHODS: The influence of variables at the landscape and regional level is studied through multilevel logistic regression, and further information on their effects across the different European ...
Does exposure type impact differentially over time on the development of mental health disturbances after a technological disaster?
computed. Relative risks were estimated using logistic regression models. RESULTS: Prevalence rates of the four MHD were much higher for the SHD than for the other exposure groups, at T1 and T2. Moreover, ...
Role of wildlife and domestic pigs as reservoirs for hepatitis E virus (HEV): study of the infection in suids and cervids and of the susceptibility of pigs to HEV originating from wild boa
out of 29 livers from red deer, it belonged to genotype 3f. No HEV RNA was detected in red and roe deer sera. Using a multivariate logistic regression, a significant effect of age was observed: young ...
Risk factors for HCV acquisition among HIV-positive MSM in Belgium.
followed by multiple logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: A total of 52 cases and 90 controls were recruited. In multivariate analysis, douching before anal intercourse [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 9.84, ...
The effect of smoking on the duration of life with and without disability, Belgium 1997-2011.
of daily living (ADL), in mobility, in continence or in sensory (vision, hearing) functions. Poisson and multinomial logistic regression models were fitted to estimate the probabilities of death and ...
Factors associated with the continuum of care of HIV-infected patients in Belgium.
co-infected with HIV and STI in the Belgian STI sentinel surveillance network. Associated factors were identified by multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: Among 4038 individuals diagnosed with HIV between ...
What determines inclusion in the early phase of the type 2 diabetes care trajectory in Belgium?
found to be statistically significant were included in a multivariate logistic regression model. RESULTS: The 2010 study recorded 4600 Belgian type 2 diabetes patients. According to the official criteria, ...
Is the different time trend (1997-2008) of the obesity prevalence among adults in the three Belgian regions associated with lifestyle changes?
(alcohol consumption, smoking, fruit and vegetables consumption and leisure time physical activity), was assessed via logistic regression models. Interactions were added to the models to explore if the ...
Risk factors for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a multi-laboratory study
factors for MRSA colonization/infection. RESULTS: A total of 6844 patients of which 17.5% died in the year 2005, were included in a logistic regression model. More than 97% of MRSA was associated with ...
Association between variables used in the field substitution and post-stratification adjustment in the Belgian health interview survey and non-response.
were obtained from all selected households (n = 12.204). The association between non-response and the selected variables was explored through multilevel logistic regression models with municipality and ...