Search results - 9 results
Physicochemical characterization and genotoxicity assessment of nanomaterials using new approach methodologies
specific surface area, shape, solubility and dissolution rate, agglomeration state, chemical composition and crystal structure. Data obtained by electron microscopy based methods on the physicochemical ...
Identification and characterization of inorganic food additives and pearlescent pigments in sprays for food decoration by STEM-EDX
Van Loco Source: IMEKOFOODS 2023, Imekofoods, Paris (2023) Keywords: electron microscopy inorganic food additives pearlescent pigments sprays STEM-EDX Abstract: Food colorants are applied in commercial ...
Development of novel analytical methods to trace small micro- and nanoplastics in food matrices
identified by Raman microspectroscopy. As a side supporting technique, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) have been employed to investigate the size, shape and the ...
Particle size analysis of pristine food-grade titanium dioxide and E 171 in confectionery products: Interlaboratory testing of a SP-ICP-MS screening method and confirmation with transmission electron microscopy.
electron microscopy (TEM) was used as a confirmatory technique and served as the basis for bias estimation. The optimisation of the sample preparation step showed that when this protocol was applied to the ...
Physicochemical Characterization of the Pristine E171 Food Additive by Standardized and Validated Methods.
Nanomaterials (Basel), Volume 10, Issue 3 (2020) Keywords: E171 food additive Single particle ICP-MS transmission electron microscopy Abstract: E171 (titanium dioxide) is a food additive that has been authorized ...
Characterization of Nanomaterials in COMPLEX matrices
(2019) Keywords: Complex Matrices electron microscopy Food Additives nanomaterials Health Topics: Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid ...
Open Lab Application for the Characterization of Nanomaterials by Transmission Electron Microscopy
nanomaterials open laboratory physico-chemical characterization Abstract: OPEN LAB APPLICATION FOR THE CHARACTERIZATION OF NANOMATERIALS BY TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY Karine Vandermeiren(1), Eveline ...
Nanomaterials for food applications: Analytical challenges and practical solutions for enforcing labeling of nanoingredients in food products in the European Union
food products in the European Union, Elsevier (2019) ISBN: 978-0-12-814130-4 Keywords: analysis electron microscopy Field-flow fractionation food Food Additives Ingredients labeling nanomaterials ...
Physical Characterization of Nanomaterials in Dispersion by Transmission Electron Microscopy in a Regulatory Framework
nanomaterials in dispersion by transmission electron microscopy in a regulatory framework, Springer International Publishing, Volume Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy. Applications to Nanomaterials, Issue ...