Search results - 21 results

Informal caregiving and mental health: results from the Belgian health interview survey 2013 and 2018

Health, Volume 25, Issue 1 (2025) Keywords: GHQ-12 informal care population study PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS public health Abstract: Background Due to a globally ageing population, the demand for informal ...

COVID-19 vaccine responses are influenced by distinct risk factors in naive and SARS-CoV-2 experienced hemodialysis recipients.

experienced HDR. These observations have important implications for the understanding of vaccine-induced immunity and for the management of this vulnerable patient population. Health Topics:  Health and disease ...

Ketamine, a new (or old) kid on the block: A comprehensive three-year spatio-temporal study in Belgium through wastewater-based epidemiology

Based on reports of ketamine seizures, self-reported consumption and harmful associated health effects, there are signs of increased ketamine use. However, monitoring population-level consumption patterns ...

Antibiotic consumption patterns in older adults: a comparative study of people 65 years and older in and outside nursing homes, Belgium, 2016 to 2022.

Retrospective Studies SARS-CoV-2 Abstract: BackgroundInappropriate antimicrobial consumption (AMC) drives the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. Institutionalised, older populations are associated with ...

BY-COVID D5.1 Enriched report viral variants and health outcomes

demonstrate how mobilisation and linkage of heterogeneous real-world population data sources hosted at multiple sites can enhance the understanding of the direct and indirect effects of the pandemic on health ...

Sociodemographic and socioeconomic disparities in COVID-19 vaccine uptake in Belgium: a nationwide record linkage study

Social inequalities vaccination coverage Abstract: Background Recent studies have identified important social inequalities in SARS-CoV-2 infections and related COVID-19 outcomes in the Belgian population ...

Neurocysticercosis Prevalence and Characteristics in Communities of Sinda District in Zambia: A Cross-Sectional Study.

POC CC + , and in 10/82 (12%) TS POC CC- participants. NCC prevalence was 13.5% (95% CI 8.4-21.1%) in the study population and 38.0% (95% CI 5.2-87.4%) among people reporting epileptic seizures. ...

Persistent defect in SARS-CoV-2 humoral and cellular immunity in lung transplant recipients.

recipients (LTR) are susceptible to severe COVID-19 and had lower immune responses to primary SARS-CoV-2 vaccination as compared to the general population and to other solid organ transplant recipients. As ...

The International cookbook for wastewater practitioners- Vol. 1 SARS-CoV-2

with the application of Wastewater-Based Surveillance (WBS) (also known as Wastewater-Based Epidemiology (WBE)) to provide population-scale evidence of SARS-CoV-2 shedding into wastewater. The ...

Could a ring treatment approach be proposed to control Taenia solium transmission in a post elimination setting? A pilot study in Zambia.

provided a stool sample, covering 46% to 59% of the total population living in the study area. Between 78% and 100% of the eligible pigs got sampled. Three ring treatments were based on porcine ...

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