Search results - 28 results
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Jacques, Aline; Ruthy, Ingrid; Jacquemin, Pierre; Elens, Laure; Haufroid, Vincent; Deumer, Gladys; Pirard, Catherine; Charlier, Corinne; Heidi Demaegdt; Karlien Chey ...
Associations of heat with diseases and specific symptoms in Flanders, Belgium: An 8-year retrospective study of general practitioner registration data.
environmental exposures that are augmented by elevated temperatures. Overall, unlike hospitalization data, GP visits data provide broader population coverage, revealing a more accurate representation of ...
The International cookbook for wastewater practitioners- Vol. 1 SARS-CoV-2
with the application of Wastewater-Based Surveillance (WBS) (also known as Wastewater-Based Epidemiology (WBE)) to provide population-scale evidence of SARS-CoV-2 shedding into wastewater. The ...
Holography-based aerobiological monitoring: a 2-year intercomparison campaign versus the standard Hirst method in Brussels, Belgium
Keywords: pollen Abstract: Around 10% of the Belgian population is allergic to the pollen emitted by trees of the Betulaceae family (birch, alder, hazel and hornbeam) and an estimated 18% to grass pollen. To ...
A systematic review and meta-analysis of human population studies on the association between exposure to toxic environmental chemicals and left ventricular dysfunction (LVD).
included the general adult population, workers, young people, and the elderly. The risk of bias was assessed using the ROBINS-I tool at both study and item levels. RESULTS: The systematic review included 17 ...
The search for the best airborne pollen monitoring locations
Issue EGU, Vienna, Austria (2024) URL: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU24/EGU24-5408.html Keywords: pollen Abstract: In Europe a quarter of the adult population and a third of all children ...
EBoD-FL. Guidelines for mapping the environmental burden of disease in Flanders, 2023
risks. Environmental burden of disease (EBD) studies try to estimate the impact of environmental stressors in terms mortality or morbidity on a population level. Although environmental risks have been ...
A preliminary estimate of the environmental burden of disease associated with exposure to pyrethroid insecticides and ADHD in Europe based on human biomonitoring
function from outside the EU, the population attributable fraction decreased from an average of 18 to 7%. To ensure more robust disease burden estimates and adequate follow-up of policy measures, more HBM ...
Impact of short-term exposure to air pollution on natural mortality and vulnerable populations: a multi-city case-crossover analysis in Belgium
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Claire Demoury; Raf Aerts; Finaba Berete; Wouter Lefebvre; Arno Pauwels; Charlotte Vanpoucke; Johan Van der Heyden; Eva M De Clercq Source: Environmental Health, Volume 23, Issue 1 (2024) Keyword ...
Assessing uncertainty in airborne birch pollen modelling
Issue 2 (2024) Keywords: Birch pollen modelling Monte Carlo approach SILAM model Uncertainty estimation Abstract: In Europe, more than one quarter of the adult population and one third of the children ...