Search results - 5 results
Azithromycin resistance in Escherichia coli and Salmonella from food-producing animals and meat in Europe.
rplDV, 23S rRNA and acrB genes using ResFinder v4.0, AMRF inder Plus and custom scripts. Genotype-phenotype concordance was determined for all isolates. Transferability of mef(C)-mph(G)-carrying plasmids ...
Antimicrobial resistance in ESBL and indicator E.coli, Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Enterococcus faecalis and faecium isolated from food and food-producing animals (primary production) in 2022
the monitoring of MRSA have been made in 2022, including a new isolation method and the study of AMR through NGS rather than phenotypic susceptibility testings. The 2022 data will now serve as a new ...
Deep amplicon sequencing for culture-free prediction of susceptibility or resistance to 13 anti-tuberculous drugs.
of detection was 100-1000 genome copies for fixed resistance mutations. Deeplex Myc- TB captured in silico 97.1-99.3% of resistance phenotypes correctly predicted by WGS from 3651 MTBC genomes. On 429 ...
RNA-based drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
phenotypic Drug Susceptibility Testing (DST) of M. tuberculosis (Mtb), multiple DNA-based methods were successfully introduced over the last years. Although these are fast and sensitive, they (a) are based on ...
Genetic Basis and Clonal Population Structure of Antibiotic Resistance in Isolated From Broiler Carcasses in Belgium.
addition, ST-2274 was linked to the CIP- NAL- TET- AMR multidrug resistant phenotype. In contrast, clonal complex CC-45 was linked to increased susceptibility to the tested antibiotics. The results obtained ...