Search results - 3 results

Comparative genomics of quinolone-resistant and susceptible Campylobacter jejuni of poultry origin from major poultry producing European countries (GENCAMP)

Frank M. Aarestrup Source: EFSA Supporting PublicationsEFSA Supporting PublicationsEFSA Supporting Publications, Volume 15, Issue 5 (2018) ISBN: 2397-8325 Keywords: Campylobacter Europe Genomics Poultry ...

Comparative genomics of quinolone‐resistant and susceptible Campylobacter jejuni of poultry origin from major poultry producing European countries (GENCAMP)

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Pimlapas Leekitcharoenphon; Cristina Garcia-Graells; N Botteldoorn; Katelijne Dierick; Isabelle Kempf; Satu Olkkola; Mirko Rossi; Suvi Nykäsenoja; Malorny, Burkhard; Kerstin Stingl; Antonio Batti ...

Global phylogenomics of multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serotype Kentucky ST198.

serotype Kentucky can be a common causative agent of salmonellosis, usually associated with consumption of contaminated poultry. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to multiple drugs, including ciprofloxacin, is ...

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