Search results - 38 results
Estimated number of lives directly saved by COVID-19 vaccination programmes in the WHO European Region from December, 2020, to March, 2023: a retrospective surveillance study.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Meslé, Margaux M I; Brown, Jeremy; Mook, Piers; Katz, Mark A; Hagan, José; Pastore, Roberta; Benka, Bernhard; Redlberger-Fritz, Monika; Nathalie Bossuyt; Veerle Stouten *; Catharina Vernemmen *; ...
Estimated number of lives directly saved by COVID-19 vaccination programmes in the WHO European Region from December, 2020, to March, 2023: a retrospective surveillance study.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Meslé, Margaux M I; Brown, Jeremy; Mook, Piers; Katz, Mark A; Hagan, José; Pastore, Roberta; Benka, Bernhard; Redlberger-Fritz, Monika; Nathalie Bossuyt; Veerle Stouten; Catharina Vernemmen; Cons ...
Bulletin infections respiratoires aiguës semaine 10-2025- Publié 12/03/25
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Claire Brugerolles; Sébastien Fierens; Laurane De Mot; Mathil Vandromme; Yinthe Dockx; Nathalie Bossuyt; Sarah Denayer; Anna Parys; François Dufrasne; Sven Hanoteaux ...
RESPI-RADAR, a Belgian tool to monitor respiratory infections
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Laurane De Mot Source: EU/EEA respiratory virus network meeting, ECDC, Issue ECDC, Stockholm, Sweden (2024) Keywords: respiratory infections Abstract: RESPI- RADAR, a Belgian tool to ...
Pneumonia outbreaks due to re-emergence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Meyer Sauteur, Patrick M; Beeton, Michael L; European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) Study Group for Mycoplasma and Chlamydia Infections (ESGMAC), and the ESGMA ...
Vaccine effectiveness against influenza hospitalisation in adults during the 2022/2023 mixed season of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2) and B circulation, Europe: VEBIS SARI VE hospital network.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Rose, Angela M C; Pozo, Francisco; Martínez-Baz, Iván; Mazagatos, Clara; Nathalie Bossuyt; Cauchi, John Paul; Petrović, Goranka; Loghin, Isabela I; Vaikutyte, Roberta; Buda, Silke; Machado, Ausen ...
Mycoplasma pneumoniae: delayed re-emergence after COVID-19 pandemic restrictions
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Meyer Sauteur, Patrick M; Beeton, Michael L; Pereyre, Sabine; Bébéar, Cécile; Gardette, Marie; Hénin, Nadège; Wagner, Noémie; Fischer, Adrien; Vitale, Alessandra; Lemaire, Baptiste; Greub, Gilber ...
Mycoplasma pneumoniae: delayed re-emergence after COVID-19 pandemic restrictions
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Meyer Sauteur, Patrick M; Beeton, Michael L; Pereyre, Sabine; Bébéar, Cécile; Gardette, Marie; Hénin, Nadège; Wagner, Noémie; Fischer, Adrien; Vitale, Alessandra; Lemaire, Baptiste; Greub, Gilber ...
Mycoplasma pneumoniae: delayed re-emergence after COVID-19 pandemic restrictions
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Meyer Sauteur, Patrick M; Beeton, Michael L; Pereyre, Sabine; Bébéar, Cécile; Gardette, Marie; Hénin, Nadège; Wagner, Noémie; Fischer, Adrien; Vitale, Alessandra; Lemaire, Baptiste; Greub, Gilber ...
Mycoplasma pneumoniae: delayed re-emergence after COVID-19 pandemic restrictions
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Patrick M Meyer Sauteur; Michael L Beeton; Sabine Pereyre; Bébéar, Cécile; Marie Gardette; Nadège Hénin; Noémie Wagner; Fischer, Adrien; Vitale, Alessandra; Lemaire, Baptiste; Greub, Gilbert; Ren ...