Search results - 58 results
Metagenomics-based tracing of genetically modified microorganism contaminations in commercial fermentation products
these findings highlight the need for guidelines and quality control for traceability of these products to ensure the safety of consumers. This study demonstrates the added value of metagenomics to obtain ...
Implementation of METROFOOD services in the Belgium node
nutrition, thereby enhancing food quality and safety in Europe. METROFOOD- FED. BE thrives to carry forward this mission at a national scale and to ensure that metrology services provided by Belgian components ...
An interlaboratory proficiency test using metagenomic sequencing as a diagnostic tool for the detection of RNA viruses in swine fecal material.
types. The suitability of experimental design to a given pathogen/sample matrix combination, quality assurance, interpretation, and follow-up investigation remain critical factors for the diagnostic ...
Reflections of the NRL: implementation of EN ISO 11133 in food microbiology laboratories
11133 food microbiology laboratories Quality Abstract: Microbiology testing is critical to guarantee food safety and quality. Laboratories performing these tests are required to deliver accurate and ...
Policy implementation and recommended actions to create healthy food environments using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI): a comparative analysis in South Asia
quality rather than obesity prevention. Key policy gaps prioritized for attention included front-of-pack labelling, healthy food subsidies, unhealthy food taxation, restrictions on unhealthy food promotion, ...
Comparison of 6 DNA extraction methods for isolation of high yield of high molecular weight DNA suitable for shotgun metagenomics Nanopore sequencing to detect bacteriaAbstractBackgroundResultsConclusion
on-site application. In addition to the comparison of the quality, quantity and purity of the extracted DNA, the performance obtained when doing Nanopore sequencing on a MinION flow cell was also tested. ...
The Africa Food Environment Research Network (FERN): from concept to practice.
empirical research, as well as the tools and capacity of those who conduct it. High quality and context-relevant research supports the development and implementation of policies that create healthy ...
Estimating national and subnational nutrient intake distributions of global diets
BACKGROUND: Access to high-quality dietary intake data is central to many nutrition, epidemiology, economic, environmental, and policy applications. When data on individual nutrient intakes are available, they ...
Rapport annuel 2021
Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products- Quality of medical laboratories Efficacité et sécurité des vaccins, médicaments et produits de santé- Qualité des laboratoires médicaux ...
Jaarverslag 2021
en milieu Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Animal health Santé animale Quality of healthcare Qualité des soins de santé Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products- ...