Search results - 61 results

The promotion of ultra-processed foods in modern retail food outlets in rural and urban areas in Kenya.

geographic location and the socio-economic status (SES) levels, the food items displayed for sale and advertised in the stores, and locations in the stores such as the entrance. SETTING: Three counties in ...

The burden of antimicrobial resistance in livestock: A framework to estimate its impact within the Global Burden of Animal Diseases programme

assessment of the burden of AMU and AMR in livestock using the Global Burden of Animal Diseases (GBAD s) approach. Its development identified and mapped critical socio-economic concepts in AMU and AMR in ...

Area and individual level analyses of demographic and socio-economic disparities in COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Belgium

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Pierre Hubin; Laura Van den Borre; Toon Braeye; Lisa Cavillot; Matthieu Billuart; Veerle Stouten; Léonore Nasiadka; Elias Vermeiren; Izaak Van Evercooren; Brecht Devleesschauwer; Lucy Catteau; Jo ...

Association between adherence to the EAT-Lancet sustainable reference diet and cardiovascular health among European adolescents: the HELENA study.

(OR 0.84, [95% CI: 0.75, 0.94]) among European adolescents, after adjusting for age, sex, socio-economic status, and total energy intake. Furthermore, a 10-point increment in the PHDI was associated ...

Non-response bias in the analysis of the association between mental health and the urban environment: a cross-sectional study in Brussels, Belgium

likely to respond. When adjusting for socio-economic variables, non-response was higher in areas which are less vegetated, more polluted or more urbanised. Because the determinants of non-response and ...

The effectiveness of food system policies to improve nutrition, nutrition-related inequalities and environmental sustainability: a scoping review

socio-economic differences in diets, whereas labelling may be more effective among women and higher socio-economic groups. A trade-off identified was that healthy food provision interventions may increase food ...

Potential business model for a European vaccine R&D infrastructure and its estimated socio-economic impact

text language:  English Category:  Peer-reviewed scientific articles FOS Classification:  1.6 Biological sciences 3 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES 5.02 Economics and business ...

[Foot and mouth disease virus: transmission, pathogenesis, diagnosis and surveillance].

Disease Virus (FMDV), a Picornavirus belonging to genus Aphthovirus affects domestic and wild artiodactyls. FMD has a considerable socio-economic impact on agricultural production and trade in endemic ...

Clinical Severity of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant Compared with Delta among Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Belgium during Autumn and Winter Season 2021-2022.

socio-economic status, and ICU occupancy) were adjusted for by using a multivariable logistic regression analysis. The estimated standardized risk for severe COVID-19 and ICU admission in hospitalized patients was ...

Residential green space and mental health-related prescription medication sales: An ecological study in Belgium.

were adjusted for socio-economic background variables, urban-rural differences, and administrative region, and included random effects of latitude and longitude. RESULTS: Urban census tracts were ...

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