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Search results - 18 results
Urine concentrations of Arsenic and its species in adolescents from Wallonia (Belgium).
Corine; Karlien Cheyns Source: ISEAC 41, ISEAC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2023) Keywords: Arsenic speciation biomonitoring urine Abstract: In the present study, we assessed urine concentrations of As and ...
Selenium in selected samples of infant formulas and milk commercialized in Belgium and Brazil: total content, speciation and estimated intake
Arisseto-Bragotto Source: Food Research International (2023) Keywords: Infant Formula milk Selenium Speciation Health Topics: Trace elements Food consumption and food safety Spoorelementen Éléments-traces ...
Selenium in standard and plant-based infant formulae and in milk: total content, speciation and estimated intake
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Karlien Cheyns; Esther Lima de Paiva; Nadia Waegeneers; Ann Ruttens Source: EFSA ONE, EFSA, Brussels, Belgium (2022) Keywords: Infant Formula Selenium Compounds Health Topics: Trace ...
Intake of food supplements based on algae or cyanobacteria may pose a health risk due to elevated concentrations of arsenic species.
Keywords: Arsenic Food Supplements Speciation Abstract: Despite the health benefits of food supplements (FS) based on algae or cyanobacteria, the elevated arsenic (As) concentrations in these FS may raise ...
Arsenic speciation in food in Belgium. Part 2: Cereals and cereal products.
(2018) Keywords: Arsenic Food Analysis Speciation Abstract: This study reports results of total arsenic (As) and various As species in 75 samples of cereals and cereal products bought on the Belgian ...
Arsenic Speciation Analysis Elucidates the Risk Assesment of Food Supplements with Ingredients of Marine Origin. 9th Nordic Conference on plasma spectrochemistry
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Karlien Cheyns; Heidi Demaegdt; Nadia Waegeneers; Ann Ruttens Source: 9th Nordic Conference on plasma spectrochemistry (2018) Abstract: Many potential health benefits are related to ...
Impurity profiling of the most frequently encountered falsified polypeptide drugs on the Belgian market
drugs. Subsequent speciation of As confirmed the elevated concentrations for As and demonstrated that all As was present in the more toxic inorganic form. Together with the (sometimes) high amount of ...
Consumers can lower their toxic arsenic intake by selecting appropriate kitchen practices. SETAC Europe 27th annual meeting, 08-11 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium
Setac Europe, Issue SETAC Europe, Brussels, Belgium (2017) Keywords: Arsenic food consumption Speciation Health Topics: Heavy metals Métaux lourds Manuscript versions: File: Version: Published Full ...
Du riz à l’arsenic? Enquête.
http://www.rtbf.be/auvio/detail_du-riz-a-l-arsenic-enquete?id=2109268 Keywords: Arsenic Speciation Health Topics: Heavy metals Métaux lourds Service: Éléments traces et nanomatériaux Spoorelementen en nanomaterialen Trace elements and nanomaterials Manuscript ...
Lactarius subgenus Russularia (Basidiomycota, Russulales): novel Asian species, worldwide phylogeny and evolutionary relationships.
conspecificity is rare. This result suggests that allopatric speciation has played an important role within this subgenus. Only few morphological characteristics tend to be phylogenetically informative, with the ...